Audio Types

Frequently Asked Questions

Audio FAQ

What are frequency-infused audios?

Frequency-infused audios are mp3’s encoded with powerful pure energies and intentions; when played, these spiritual frequencies are transmitted to help manifest and/or shift something in your life.

Created by gifted healers, these audios can help you:

-raise your vibration
-increase abundance
-clear limiting beliefs & patterns
-heal grief and trauma
-rejuvenate and re-contour your body
-align your chakras

-improve health
-clear your energy field
-increase energy
-help you look & feel younger
-expand your consciousness
-create more joy in your life

…and so much more!

What’s on the audios?

Audio content varies:

-many contain talking as the healer explains what energies and intentions he/she is sending

-some contain Light Language
-some feature music
-some are completely (or nearly) silent
-others are a combination of talking or Light Language with soft music and/or periods of silence.

Please read the audio descriptions to see what’s contained on them.

How do I use the audios?

It depends on the track: some require active participation, others may be played on a loop – during the day or while sleeping – with the volume turned down. Again, be sure to read the “How to Use” section for each audio.
Also, upon purchasing the audio, the instructions for how to use it appear in your account so you always have it for reference.

Are these guided meditations?

Some are, most are not – but what makes our audios different is that they actually transmit energies to shift you, whether you listen actively or not.
Many audios may simply be played on a loop during the day or while sleeping, and you’ll get the full benefit of the audio frequencies!
Again, be sure to read the “How to Use” section for each audio for instructions on how to use them.

Do the audios use binaural beats?

Some do, but most do not.

Do I need to wear headphones while listening?

Most audios do not require headphones, but a few do – so be sure to read audio descriptions and “How to Use” sections.

How long does it take to get results?

Everyone is different: some people get results quickly; others will need more time. As you listen more and more, eventually you will entrain to the new frequencies and your life will begin to shift.

To keep in mind:
-Shifts are not always felt on the conscious level; sometimes it’s just a “knowing” that the frequencies are beneficial to you; as you listen repeatedly you’ll notice positive changes in your perceptions and ultimately your physical world (you can also muscle test to know which audios and healers are best for you)

-The audios may cause a detox (see below)

For best results:
-Find a healer you resonate with (try their free audios!)
-Follow the instructions in the audios’ “How to Use” section
-Keep an open mind! Positive change happens when energies are light, so be playful and have fun with these audios!

Are there any caveats?

Because the audios contain very potent and powerful energies, listening may cause drowsiness or even dizziness, therefore do not listen when your full attention is required, such as while driving or operating heavy machinery.

Secondly, many audios may cause detoxification, physical and/or emotional:
Physical detox includes feeling tired, thirsty, achy, etc.; you may even develop cold & flu-like symptoms. Should this happen, take a break from listening to the audios; also rest, drink plenty of water and eat high-vibrational foods such as organic fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Emotional detox means that old memories may surface, or you may become aware of belief patterns you hold, have “aha” moments, etc; you may even feel like crying for seemingly no reason or need extra time alone.

While uncomfortable, detox symptoms are temporary and the releasing process is ultimately highly beneficial. Just take it one day at a time and take care of yourself; eventually you will entrain to the new frequencies and your life will begin to shift.

Are the paid-for audios more powerful?


I’m not able to log into the website

When you click one of the login buttons (Facebook or Google) a pop-up window will appear asking you to choose your account.

If you don’t see a pop-up window, please make sure pop-up windows are enabled on your browser.

I don’t have a Facebook or Gmail account. Can I still make purchases?

Yes! If you’d like to make website purchases, just contact and tell us the audio’s you would like. We will send a PayPal invoice; once paid we will send you the mp3(s).

Can I sync website purchases with those on my app?

Yes – just open the PureLight app, go to the Settings screen (bottom-right icon), log in, then tap “Restore Purchases” and you will see your audios listed in your “My Audios” list.

How do I give an audio as a gift?

Just contact and tell us the audio(s) you would like to gift.

We will send you a PayPal invoice; once paid we’ll send you the mp3(s) and you can give to a friend or loved one!

If others are nearby when I play the audios, will they also be affected?

In many cases, yes; however, we all have free will on whether or not to be affected.

Can I use these audios to help pets?

In many cases, yes, pets respond very favorably to the high-frequencies on these audios. If you’re not sure, contact the healer to ask if their audios can help pets.

For other questions, please contact support at

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee results, as results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. We do not offer medical advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other opinion on your conditions or treatment options. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.