Releasing Viruses & Bacteria

Michelle Carter


Works to release & purify bacteria, viruses, illness and disease in you


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Full Description

This audio has been requested to assist with the many illnesses, diseases and conditions that are appearing now which are caused by various viruses and bacteria.

This audio has multi-layering for:

-Clearing the Energies out of your body and energy field

-Doing deeper energy work silently in the background

-Filling with Pure Love to keep your energy as high as possible

Our food and water supplies are no longer Pure, and unfortunately more and more people are drinking water that is polluted. This water pollution is not just in 3rd world countries but has been big news in America in Flint. So many people are becoming ill through pollution, bacteria and viruses.

This audio works on releasing and purifying all bacteria, viruses, illness and disease in you and can be used to as a prevention as well as releasing energies already present in your body.

Many people are very concerned about the quality of food and water they are consuming, and quite rightly, because there are so many toxins in food that is not organic, especially animal products. Listening to this audio will release the viruses and bacteria that can live inside when our natural balance is upset.

You can listen to this audio as protection against illness and disease from pollution and other toxins.

There is also Filling and Floating energy work on this audio to raise your vibration into higher energies, with soft echo on the channeling of Pure Pure, Pure Stillness, Pure Love and other Pure energies channeled in this transmission.

How to Use

Listen a maximum of once a day for the first few weeks.

You can increase after this if you are wishing to listen more.

Works best when listened through head phones with intention, any time of the day.

Do not loop!


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you feel any releasing / detox symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, you can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out.


Releasing Viruses & Bacteria - Oct 2019.mp3



I thank you so much for being there for me at all times. It really was like you held the faith in me until I was strong enough to have and feel that same faith myself.
- Robin, USA

Reunited with her daughter
If you are feeling like you need some support and healing,I would definitely recommend Michelle's energy work, it is very powerful! She is one of the kindest, genuine & caring people I know and does amazing work for Humanity and the planet. Michelle has a Facebook group where you can connect with like minded souls where you can feel safe and get loads of support.
I am the biggest skeptic, so to meet somebody I could really trust and feel safe with was good for me. I will give you one example, my daughter and my relationship had become really difficult to the point that she said I was dead to her, which hurt me deeply as she is my only child. Michelle suggested I do 'The spells and curses audio' in case this was effecting our relationship as well as sending lots of love & light and support from the group. I can now report that my daughter and I have a close relationship again. She found a wonderful job in the road right next to mine so she drops off her little dog for me to look after everyday and I get to see her everyday. I believe in doing energy work everyday to raise my vibration so I can help others! :-) Michelle's newest package "Disconnecting from dark" is the most powerful energy work to date.
~ Jacqui Venter, S Africa

Healing Transmissions
Michelle Carters healing transmissions are like no others. The energies are quite amazing and very powerful! You can actually feel the energies even when listening to a recorded tele-summit. Something I have never encountered before. The healing transmissions are perfect in length neither too long and a joy to listen to.
- Nicky (UK)