Accelerated Abundance Activation

Vandana Atara Aura

Abundance & Life Purpose

Accelerate your abundance, money flows & wealth vibration


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Accelerate and Amplify Abundance!

This audio transmits energetic blessings and abundance codes from the abundance councils in the higher dimensions for you to embody the vibration of wealth, prosperity, and ease in receiving everything you desire and require!

Benefits of listening:

-Expand your money flows & prosperity consciousness

-Awaken your receiving chakras to hold a higher wealth vibration

-Unpack unworthiness, lack & scarcity on a cellular level

-Dissolve karmic density & generational poverty for you & your ancestors

-Become a co-creator of new earth prosperity & abundance mastery


-You'll also receive a wealth creation ray from the higher dimensions to help you create harmonic wealth, peace of mind, infinite ease, and financial freedom!

-Vandana will help you revoke and rescind vows of poverty, cancel family loyalty vows that prevent you from exceeding your biological families financial success, and cancel soul contracts that won't allow you to create infinite income.

-Karmic ancestral agreements, promises, and commitments will also be uncovered and re-negotiated so you can reclaim your powers and divine birthright as a divine creator and magical alchemist.

The R.I.C.H Clearings will unlock and disentangle you from financial blocks, lack , scarcity, and patterns of limitation, and ancestral soul contracts that wont allow you to create infinite wealth now and in the future.

The R.A.C.E Creations will readjust your vibration to a higher harmonic vibration so you can heal your relationship with money and become an overflowing vessel and river of abundance...your natural state of being and true nature.

The Reality Reset Codes align you to be in the flow of synchronicities, gifts, blessings, and extraordinary opportunities always available so you can feel more supported and safe in the 3D on its ascent into the higher dimensions and a new earth.

This sacred soul journey contains 112 minutes of teachings, Divine light transmissions, cosmic code clearings & energetic re-sets


Vandana embodies the Divine feminine frequencies of Christed light through her soothing voice, open heart & tender touch.

Her Divine healing intervention team & doctors of divinity can be felt, seen & experienced through her body, eyes, aura & healing touch when you are in her presence.

Vandana was gifted ascension keys & codes during the paradigm shift in December 2012 to help usher in the new energies of unity, community & 5D living with ease & grace!

How to Use

Listen in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.

Headphones are not required.

Can be looped while sleeping, but for best results:

Listen actively with headphones in a quiet space; rest for a minimum of 2 hours afterward, then play on a loop on a low volume for enhanced integration of healing benefits.


Do not listen while driving, mult-tasking or operating heavy machinery.


Vandana - Accelerat and Amplify Your Abundance.mp3



"Dear Vandana, you created a miracle for me a couple of days ago. I lost a substantial amount of money in my apartment when 3 people came to paint. They really threw me off balance, and when I couldn't find the envelope containing the money, I thought they had taken it. When we had our session, you said that it was in fact in my I spent a few months looking high and low, and couldn't find it but the last time I talked to you and asked where it may be you said 'You're going to find it when somebody visits you'. A few days ago I took your advice and invited a friend for lunch and when I opened the kitchen drawer, I was in absolute disbelief! The envelope was there on the side in the drawer. I've looked in the same drawer for the money but I never could find it before. It only came to light when I opened the lower drawer! Wow!!! Every word you said about the details of finding the money was true and amazingly correct!!! You are a fabulous psychic, and I'm so grateful. Thank you!" ~ Iren, NYC

"Since I had Vandana on my 'Ascension Show', I have been using her clearing statement R.I.C.H. I am a new disc jockey with not much equipment (like none) and no extensive library but since using her statement I have received an avalanche of music -- like entire servers, jingles and new songs from all over the world.In fact I am so busy I could hardly stop and send Meryl this testimony. I also today found a little item that can get me started quickly with a booming sound for only $129 (I have seen the item for $300) Thanks a million -- from a grateful client and friend -- oh also I am receiving random money donations-nice!!! RICH RICH RICH!" ~Queen RA, Blog Talk Radio Show Host, The Ascension Show