Rose Ray Love Transmission

Vandana Atara Aura


Dissolve all heaviness & trauma and ascend to high consciousness


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Full Description

Dive into and embody the divine essence of the spirit of the Rose to connect with the light and sound codes held by these ancient sacred flowers.

The deep rose pink ray is one of the most potent spiritual powers there is; it is the very embodiment of Divine Love.

As you drink in and absorb the deep pink radiant rose healing rays, you can ask that all wounds, trauma, and harmful energies be bathed in the light of love as it washes over and through you dissolving away all density, heaviness, and trauma to be replaced with light, transparency & luminosity.

The Rose Ray energies of this audio will help you:

-Honor & occupy your sacred heart space

-Receive rose ray blessings from the sisterhood of light

-Bathe your heart with self-love & self-care

-Learn how to bypass your head voice with your heart voice

-Practice safe & healthy boundaries with others

-Disentangle you from toxic cords of attachment to karmic relationships in the past, so you can attract & manifest loving & supportive relationships of all kinds easily and effortlessly in the eternal now.

-Access Divine healing and to raise our vibrational frequency to that of pure unconditional love. If we are vibrating from the illusion of fear, we cannot attract love into our loves.

Roses have the most evolved level of high vibrational consciousness of all the fragrant flowers on the planet.

The spirit of the Rose connects us to the portal of our own hearts to open us up to even higher levels of consciousness lowering our heart walls, accelerating healing, transformation, and self-love.

Experience a heart warming and softening soul awakening to ignite your source spark and radiate your holy light to all sentient beings in all timelines and realities to transmute fear into love and density into luminous light. This love emanates from our hearts and links us with the cosmic infinite heart of oneness.

Vandana will connect you with the 3rd ray of the pink flame that Archangel Chamuel oversees to align you with the essence of compassion, love and forgiveness.

You will then be taken on a sacred journey to amplify the flame of love in your own heart in the Rose Temple - The Temple of inner healing.

You can speak with Lady Nada who anchors the 6th Feminine Ray on the Earth plane and ask her to heal your heart. Healing is one of Lady Nada's services to humanity. Lady Nada uses the Pink Flame to facilitate her healing work, and her symbol is the pink rose. She will help you to align, balance, and integrate your feminine and masculine energies so you can connect with the silent stillness of the Nada Energies - The Essence Of Stillness and Silence helping you to drop into a "no mind" state of pure heart awareness.

Receive a sacred visitation from Divine mother to feel safe and supported, when you are birthing something new, to heal and bond with your inner child, when you need to be loved and held, when you need to be patient, and when it's the perfect time to surrender to Divine timing. Here you may ask for her blue cloak to wrap around you so you can vibrate from love as your natural state of being.

***This sacred soul journey contains 62 minutes of teachings, Divine light transmissions, cosmic code clearings & energetic re-sets***

How to Use

This healing transmission can be played on a loop during waking or sleeping hours.

Listen until your heart opens & feels lighter & more expansive.


Do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery.





"Dear Vandana, I never cease to be amazed with your beautiful work! You really are an incredible healer. You helped me come back to my core and release so much emotion that was causing me grief.Some of the discomfort still lingers but I released most of it in your amazing call. Thank you for that gift Vandana!" ~ Aracelli

"Hi Vandana, I enjoyed our session so much and connecting with you want such a gift! I walked out of there not a new person, but myself in a restored energy. I felt my energy expanded on the street and people noticed. I took in the sun and had a delightful walk. I could feel the energy flow from the earth up to beyond my head. I have no trouble breathing deep into my heart and my stomach now. It really worked wonders and I released a lot of doubts that were blocking my energy.I am interested in getting trained soon!" ~ Tess M