Revoking Vaccine Damage

Michelle Carter


Reverse damage from vaccines including CV19 mRNA injections


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Full Description

4 Audios & 1 Clearing Audio - Powerful energy work to Shift Out of Vaccine Damage

These audios are working on Vaccine Damage from all vaccines, so it includes childhood, MMR, tetanus, travel, as well as the latest Covid19 ones, and also shedding. .

The energy work is powerful working on vaccine damage from:

-Neurotoxic materials,
-Live or attenuated viruses,
-Allergic reactions,
-Autoimmune damage,
-Breathing issues & Heart attacks
...and includes other issues in a silent layer.

Removing the frequency of the damage means that the effects of that frequency and damage can no longer exist. How long it takes to see the physical benefits from this energy work will vary from person to person and on the severity of any damage that you have.

Those of you who know my work will know the power in these audios and understand exactly what is going on.

Shift the Frequency 5 Audio Set
These audios are short, powerful and to the point!

This is my most powerful energy work to date, using my knowledge and experience from the last ten years to create these audios, that really kick a punch and get the job done - kind of like knocking back a triple espresso - so be warned, super powerful!

If you understand energy and frequency then you will know that any frequency that is stored in our energy is attracting like energy to us, so we want to be free of all energies and frequencies that are not working for us and bringing in the good.

I have designed these audios to Revoke, Release, Disconnect and Delete all frequencies of the energy stored in us from black magic, DNA Coding, The Matrix and past experiences and memories.

When you work with these audios you can go at your own pace, to suit your schedule, either slow and steady or bite the bullet and get it done, just don't overdo it at the start. You can focus on one audio at a time and stick with that audio until you feel the energy is clear, or you can work through all four audios, repeating as needed with the new Cosmos Clear Audio to keep the clearing energies moving out.

Each audio has been designed to work on a different way that we can have a frequency stored in us, and each of these is very different and needs the specific energy work to shift it out.

With the mRNA injections, the Deleting DNA Coding audio is very important and most needed.
Black magic is often hidden in many things, including words, sound, food and liquids, and I feel strongly that there is black magic programmed into vaccinations, so this needs working on as well.
We have been connected to the Matrix in so many ways and vaccinations is a connection that needs disconnecting, then stored energies & memories need releasing.

1 Deleting DNA Coding - Vaccine Damage
2 Revoking Black Magic - Vaccine Damage
3 Disconnecting from the Matrix - Vaccine Damage
4 Releasing Stored Energies & Memories - Vaccine Damage
5 Cosmos Clearing

Shift the Frequency - Audios 1 -4 approx 2.20 min - 2.40 mins
Main track with audible powerful energy work
2 Silent Filling Tracks
Silent Ungrounding Track
Silent Clearing Track
Silent Floating Track
Format - mp3 downloads

Cosmos Clearing Audio is 6 mins & is designed to be played on loop

How to Use

How Often to Listen

These Vaccine Damage are very powerful and are working on all vaccines that you have had through your whole life and all the childhood vaccinations, so that is a lot of toxic energy.

Here is a reminder of all the energy that is being worked on, so please do go slowly with these audios and listen to only one audio just once a day.

Listening Order
I do feel that the order below is a good order to listen to them in and will work best:

Revoking Black Magic - Vaccine Damage
Deleting DNA Coding - Vaccine Damage
Disconnecting from the Matrix - Vaccine Damage
Releasing Stored Energies & Memories - Vaccine Damage

Disconnecting from the Matrix NEEDS to be worked with before
Releasing Stored Energies & Memories

The Cosmos Clearing Audio is to clear away the releasing energies from this powerful energy work and I recommend that you listen to it at least once after each time you listen to one of the Releasing Audios.

This audio has been designed to be played on loop and will work on silent, to keep the energies moving out, as this energy work is going deep through many, many layers.

Once you feel you released most of the energy with the first audio then you can move on to the next audio and so on. Then once you have worked through all the audios you can go back to the first and listen more often.


But if you are someone who likes to loop my audios then please follow the above advice first! When you are ready to loop then just loop for a short time only, 10 mins and build up slowly. These audios are powerful and working very deep - be aware!

Releasing Symptoms

If lots of energy is releasing all at once you could feel a bit energy foggy, very tired, thirsty, headaches etc and notice that you're feeling the energies releasing, so time to switch to Cosmos Clearing until this settles.


Start slowly, you will most likely have some detox symptoms to start with. This energy work could make you feel sleepy so please don't listen in a car or when needing your full focus.


Cosmos Clearing.mp3

Vaccination Damage - Deleting DNA Coding1720387695989.mp3

Vaccination Damage - Disconnect Matrix1720387712971.mp3

Vaccination Damage - Releasing Memories1720387727104.mp3

Vaccination Damage - Revoking Black Magic1720387743189.mp3
