Dream Awake Your Crown Chakra

Vandana Atara Aura

Chakras & Energy Field

Open your crown chakra and activate the mind of your Higher Self


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Full Description

Listen To This Healing Transmission To Open & Awaken Your SahasraraThousand Petalled Lotus Flower Crown Chakra Especially When Faced Confusion, Chaos & Feeling Abandoned By Your Spirit Team.

If You Spend More Time In Your Head Instead Of Your Heart Space, Play This Track Before Sleeping To Loosen & Unravel Mental Tension, Slow Down Your Busy Brain & Enter Into A Theta State Of Stillness, Peace & Bliss All Through The Night.

This Guided Meditative Journey Uses The Violet Ray Light Frequency To Dissolve Stressful Thinking, Looping Programs & Obsessive Thoughts Stemming From Past-Future Auto Pilot Mind Misaligned Programs While Your Favorite Angels & Spirit Guides Bathe You In The Light Of Peace, Grace & Transformation.

How to Use

Listen to this healing track before bedtime, then play it on a loop so it clears your mind of stress & anxiety, even in dream time.


There are no cautions for this audio.


Vandana - 7 Chakras Meditation - Day 7 - Dream.mp3



Vandana's Voice & Presence Are So Calming! Thank you for the accelerated light distance healing session!

I could feel that the energy started to flow at least 20 minutes before the time we set up for our session and it is still flowing and working on me!

It is a very powerful energy that is helping to move heavy / dense energy from my body. I've always loved your loving, smoothing, nurturing & powerful energy! My being feels embraced by love just listening to your voice... it is so calming.

I have many of your audios / activations since you started channeling the amazing Rich healing energies years ago... I keep "RICHING" all the time for powerful clearings! - Maria M - Spain