Focus On Your Sacral Chakra

Vandana Atara Aura

Chakras & Energy Field

Clear your sacral chakra of stuck energies


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Full Description

Listen to this audio to clear brain fog, anxiety, mental overwhelm while processing your deepest feelings buried in your sacral chakra.

This guided journey is infused with divine light & divine feminine nurturing frequencies to melt energy blocks and release toxins stored in your svhadisthana sacral chakra.

As you listen to this healing transmission, breathe into your third eye chakra & envision an orange healing ray swirling through your navel center melting chakra armor while activating the wisdom of your body's creativity, sensuality & healing your relationship with your own body so you can feel safe & at home in your body temple.

Each time you listen at home, at work or when traveling on the go, you'll clean up and clear out layers of chakra sludge, debris & lower vibrational energies that don't belong to you so you can share your gifts and re-birth your inner goddess.

How to Use

Listen as you're preparing to start your day whenever you feel blocked, stuck or unable to move forward.


There are no cautions for this audio.


Vandana - 7 Chakras Meditation - Day 2 - Focus.mp3



This is the kind of peace & joy I've been searching for all my life!

Wow beloved Vandana! I love you & thank you for the galactic angelic abundance attunement program to heal the "not enough" programs of my inner child! I can't even find the words to describe the grace of this re-birthing experience I allowed myself to trust my intuition and guidance to receive healing information & deeper understanding to help me move forward into my divine alignment.

I have tried to make peace countless times with my mother and ancestors but needed to journey back to the moment of my birth to experience the ultimate transformational blessings!

Every part of your soul journey was potent and valuable in so many places & spaces that I had to stop and do some healing writing & journaling to shift my thoughts & emotions into the most incredibly joyful experience! I have now rebirthed my old stories to create new beginnings.

My inner child deserves this and more! This is the kind of peace & joy I've been searching for all my life! - Samantha T