
Jill Mattson


Enjoy the magical frequencies of the Aquarius constellation for optimal health


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Aquarius single track is on the Seasons in the Sky audio package

Seasons in the Sky IS Zodiac Energy for All

In designing Seasons in the Sky, Mattson recreated the energy of our most influential Stars and Planets in 15 original tracks. These otherworldly emanations constantly bathe our planet in positive & negative frequencies. These celestial energies work on us at multi-dimensional levels.

All celestial bodies constantly produce energies at unique frequencies. The energies released by the Zodiac Constellations contain all defining attributes of Mankind in perfect form. Listening to Mattson's "Zodiac Music" restores the frequencies that are missing or out of balance in your system.

In addition to the Fundamental Frequencies for each Zodiac Sign, Mattson includes actual NASA recordings of sounds released by well-known powerful Stars and Star clusters such as Sirius, Pleiades, Crab Nebula, Regulus, and more.

For Optimum Health, it is essential to have the presence of 12 key frequencies - at the proper levels - in our bodies and energy fields. When we listen to music today, we receive predominately three notes/key signatures (C, D, G). However, we require 12 frequencies for optimal health. The entire gamut of Fundamental Frequencies necessary for vibrant health is included in this musical collection.

Many renowned sound healers have discovered and reported that the spine's vertebrae are like a xylophone - going up the chromatic scale. This CD includes all songs within the chromatic scales, providing tuning for the spine.

The twelve Seasons tracks containing the Fundamental Frequencies of a Zodiac Constellation also have the Ruling Planet frequencies associated with the particular Zodiac Sign involved. The earliest masters of Astrology were the Sumerians and Vedic Astrologers. In these original traditions, planets were associated with Zodiac Signs.

These ancient mages determined that when the starlight from a constellation entered our solar system, one planet most strongly amplified the incoming starlight and resonated with the Zodiac energy. The Ruling Planet for each of the 12 Constellations is shown in the Chart above.

This Collection consists of 15 tracks for a total of 62 minutes. Each track contains unique frequencies, naturally emitted from the heavens above, in an uplifting listening experience!

Perfect healing, fulfilling energy is available from the Zodiac frequencies regardless of your need or plight. Available comprehensively in Jill Mattsons Seasons in the Sky.

How to Use

If you pay attention to the music, you absorb its energy faster. So, if you meditate to a CD, listening to the entire CD a day is good.

Listen to the whole CD start to finish! If you have the music on while doing other things, listen at least twice daily for the entire CD. A good option is to have the music at extremely low volume and on while you sleep. Your ears never go to sleep.

You can listen for more extended periods. Many loop the CDs and keep them at low volume all day and night for several weeks. Then, they see remarkable results.

Can you get too much? Yes, you can. As long as your body needs the frequency within a song selection, you will enjoy it. The music will feel pleasurable unless you release negative emotions, in which case the negative feeling will be no longer than a few seconds. When the entire song does not make you feel good, you have had enough of that song! Your body knows best.

Listen to a Sample!


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Aquarius Ab1706643763514.mp3



It felt like a beautiful joy of energy swirling me up higher.
Linda in Rubicon

My heart feels so light and expansive, my breathing has also changed. It is so incredible. I FEEL transformed!!!
Helen in Chester

Went in so deep. Tingles down the arms and shivers down the legs. Sharon In London

Mari R I was in extreme pain when I listened. I could feel healing immediately, and this morning, I felt at ease and well.

Dear Jill, I find your music so hard to describe so beautiful and so unearthly, just not of this world - too special to be earthly. Tillie S

Dear Jill - While listening I felt a deep healing happening. I was sitting at my computer and when the CD ended I felt such profound peace and lightness. Even though I was in the thinking mode while listening to it, the music resonated right into my being. It is truly healing music for your spirit and your soul. Anne
I listened to Jills music last night and this morning and I am getting so many things done that had been sitting on the side lines and cluttering and distracting me. Why is this?

Jills music has: a universal musical quality ethereal space music yet purposeful and anticipatory of things to come

-Angelic vocals, a primitive beat reminiscent of a human heart beating and native American medicines rituals by firelight

-Resolution of tension, sometimes soft and melodically- sometimes humorously, such as the oboe and flute duet playing off one another almost reminiscent of an Irish jigbut rendered gently with a soothing melodic like a happy ever after story.

-A haunting quality at times of a lonesome voice in a vast wilderness or void, and jarring patterns as if almost comical or another spirits footsteps nearby sometimes melodramatic in a theatrical way, bringing to mind the phantom of the opera or the Adams Family TV show

-Like bathing our beings in healthy vibrations, welling up from her research into sounds and music and how they heal