Echoes of God ~ The Light Gene ~

Jill Mattson

Sleep & Stress Release

Energize your spiritual DNA with the God gene frequencies

$22       $15.99

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Full Description

Energize your Spiritual DNA!

Did you know specific frequencies can penetrate your cells and profoundly influence your unique genetic code?

Explore this mind-blowing concept with the latest sound-healing composition from Jill Mattson! Jill has long studied the science and development of sound healing, working to understand the dynamic relationship between the vibrational frequencies of sound and the impact it can have on the human body.

During her research, she became familiar with the work of Dr. Dean H. Hamer, who wrote a provocative book titled "The God Gene". Dr. Dean Hamer's research demonstrates that a specific gene within us, called VMAT2, is related to the expression of human spirituality. Sharry Edwards of Sound Health Options has graciously supplied three frequencies for VMAT2.

Mattson's "Echoes of God" is a fascinating personal experience using select Sound Frequencies embedded in pleasing musical compositions to harmonize and bolster our very genes. The deep human drive to seek a higher spiritual connection is written indelibly in our DNA - in every cell of our bodies. We hope you will enjoy this unique application of sound and elevate your entire being.

How to Use

If you pay attention to the music, you absorb its energy faster. So, if you meditate on a CD, listening to the entire CD a day is good.

Listen to the whole CD start to finish! If you have the music on while doing other things, listen at least twice daily for the entire CD. A good option is to have the music at extremely low volume and on while you sleep. Your ears never go to sleep.

You can listen for more extended periods. Many loop the CDs and keep them at low volume all day and night for several weeks. Then, they see remarkable results.

Can you get too much? Yes, you can. As long as your body needs the frequency within a song selection, you will enjoy it. The music will feel pleasurable unless you release negative emotions, in which case the negative feeling will be no longer than a few seconds. When the entire song does not make you feel good, you have had enough of that song! Your body knows best.

You can memorize the feeling of any angel or divine being by remembering how you feel when you listen to their music and sound code on this music collection. Feel them, listen, and call their name to connect & download their energy! Just listen to raise your overall energy levels and protection.

For the Deep Wave Body Healing CD, memorize the feeling of each organ. How do you feel when thinking of your body organs and listening to the CD of the correlating organ? When you dont feel well, and the Body Healing CD is not nearby, scan your body to feel which organ seems out of whack. Remember and feel what the organ feels like when it is in tune. Recall that feeling until your organ matches the healthy tuning. You will tune up your body and, precisely, that organ! You can be the master of your organs!


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Broken Chords.mp3

Child of God.mp3

Edge of the Midst.mp3

Faded Roses.mp3

Fairy Forest.mp3

Happy & Free.mp3

Happy Place.mp3

Heavens Call.mp3

Inner Child.mp3

Journey of the Sun.mp3

My Soul.mp3

New Day.mp3

Peace to You.mp3

River Ride.mp3

Skipping Stones.mp3

Song of the Valley.mp3


$22       $15.99

I have noticed a sea change since I first encountered your work. I'm sorry I don't have adequate words to express my appreciation and gratitude for your wisdom, talents, and incredible generosity! Your healing music has been a tremendous blessing, as it has helped settle my emotional and mental states enough to get some spiritual work done. Gloria M

Resonates the Sacred Geometry within your Body & Soul, bringing deep inner Peace. Author: Anne Christine Tooley

Dear Jill, Thank you for your music. I can't live a normal life without it. Katie Richardson

Jill's music is peaceful and heavenly; you can feel healing, wanting to cry, and releasing pain and if stress sums up ill health, one should be getting rid of this baggage daily, or it builds up, aka poor health. Rayelon at Rumor Mill News Radio

Your music uplifts, making the heart happy. Just before bedtime, I clicked on your music and immediately felt the energies dancing in both the crown and third eye areas. Margarette P

I fell asleep with your music on my ears and woke up around 4 am to turn it off. The only thing I noted was dreaming of God, a lot. I mean a lot more than usual. I am so glad we met, it was not an accident, and nothing is. Susan R.