Releasing Alzheimer's Disease

Michelle Carter


Energetic support for the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease


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Full Description

Do you have a loved one who is suffering from Alzheimer's Disease?

This audio helps release energies causing:


-Memory loss

-Speech and communication issues





-Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, anger, frustration, fear around what is happening

-Feeling guilty

-Feeling a burden to others

-Any other negative emotions caused by these issues and all other symptoms of Alzheimers disease
and send them all direct to source now.

This audio has been multi-layered with 10 layers of healing tracks to make it incredibly powerful for quicker results!

The energy work is working to release energies causing Alzheimer's along with the emotions that the person may be feeling due to this change in their life.

If you play this audio regularly in the same room as someone with Alzheimer's then it will help them to cope better with the illness. The audio can be played out loud or on silent - it will work even if the person can't hear it.

What each person feels and experiences whilst listening will vary depending on what energies are stored in their energy field and how severe their symptoms are.

The energy work and wording on this audio includes:

"I ask that the Whole of Your Mind, Body, Spirit & Energy Field are filled to overflowing with Divine Love, Light, Peace & Joy to overflowing.

I ask Divine Love, Light, Peace & Joy to fill all space created by this release, all energies being released to be filled to overflowing with Pure Divine Love, Light & Peace and for all energies releasing to be purified.

Please take a deep breath allow all your worry, stress, confusion and negative emotions to dissolve and melt away. Allow Divine Peace to fill your mind now, so you feel stillness and calm as I quietly release all energies causing Alzheimers disease in you now.

I ask Divine Love & Light to release & remove All Energies causing & creating Alzheimer's disease, dementia and brain issues now from the whole of your being.

I ask that all energy being released is released immediately from the whole of your being without any releasing symptoms, side effects or energetic processing, that all brain functioning is fully restored to good health and all pathways are correcting working. Filling all space created with Pure Love, Divine Light and restored good health.

Filling with Divine Love, Light & Peace. Purifying all space created and all energies being released.

May The Whole of Your Mind, Body, Spirit & Energy Field be filled with Divine Love, Light, Peace & Joy to overflowing."

It is so hard to watch someone you love become ill and feel helpless that there is nothing you can do to help them get better or reduce the symptoms they are suffering from.

This audio has been designed give energetic and emotional support to those affected by Alzheimer's Disease and their families.

How to Use

Listen once a day or every day. This audio will need to be played regularly to receive the best results from it.

It will work on silent and can be played in a different room to the person it is intended for. You can even play it in a different house / building and set the intention that the energy goes to your loved one.

If you have any questions or queries about this audio then please do email me at


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. Do not loop! If you feel any releasing symptoms or increase in symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears up. You can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out.


Releasing Alzheimers Disease - Multi.mp3



Working with Michelle has really changed my life.
"Since working with Michelle on her dark energy program my life has really turned around. This energy work with Michelle has been the catalyst for releasing me from a place of utter hopelessness, which I had been in for many years. Through Michelle's energy work and being a member of her dynamic group where the support is just amazing, I have felt so much lighter and happier. I am still a work in progress but I feel able to cope so much better now. I know with Michelle's help I will be able to release the remaining physical problems I have had for 20 plus years. I am now spiraling upwards instead of downwards thanks to Michelle's amazing work. I am just so grateful that I heard Michelle and bought her package, working with Michelle has really changed my life. "
~ Jeannette USA

I no longer have the fear of the dark energies holding me back
In the past I have been shut down with the effects of dark energies. They have created a lot of fear in me and stopped me moving forward with my life. Then I connected with Michelle and her work. Her work with clearing dark energies has made a huge difference in my life. I no longer have the fear and the effects of the dark energies holding me back and I am now able to move forward with a sense of freedom. I feel safe, protected and I have my power back and I have a wonderful tool with her audios that I can turn to if ever I feel the need. Michelle is a true inspiration with her attitude, courage and determination in the work she does to free people of the dark so they can shine their lights and be all that they are meant to be. Thank you Michelle, I will be forever grateful. "
~ Dawn, New Zealand