Owning Your Psychic Gifts

Vandana Atara Aura


Release past vows of denying, repressing & hiding your psychic gifts

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Full Description

Would You Like To Break Free Of Ancient Vows, Covenants and Promises That No Longer Serve You & Limit You From BEING All You Truly Are?

Does it feel like you're still hiding your psychic gifts from the world because you've made promises, taken vows, & have taken on karmic ancestral agreements that are still playing out in the eternal now?

Does it feel overwhelmingly frightening to share your visions, spirit visitations & prophetic dreams with your loved ones, friends & the world because it doesn't feel safe so it's easier to hide, fit in & deny your telepathic gifts & super-human abilities?

Do you fear being called a fraud, a freak, or a witch in this lifetime because of past life trauma?

What if there was nothing to fear anymore?

As we evolve & ascend with the empowering tools of accelerated light healing, we can access the intelligence of our cells & DNA so we no longer need to vibrate from past trauma, pain, suppression, & fear & feel safe again to be ourselves & honor our special soul gifts!

In this class, we'll be exploring those ancient lifetimes & parallel realities where you've taken vows of secrecy or swore you wouldn't reveal sacred knowledge to the masses that were revealed to you.

This is your opportunity to come out of the spiritual closet you can run but you can't hide!

The time has come to ask for your needs to be met & to feel safe in this world again!

Listen & Hear This It's Not Your Fault!!!

This Class Will RICH Away all remnants of self blame, shame, & guilt so you can RACE Ahead & replace these lower vibrational frequencies with self-love, acceptance, & guilt - free pleasure!

Yes YOU CAN be an even Greater Contribution on this planet by sharing your soul gifts & higher awareness as a Mega Manifestor & sovereign being starting right here and right now.

It is possible to take yourself off the hook, cut the cords that bind, untwist the karmic knots and set your soul free simply by practicing conscious tools & energetic processes that can liberate you from those past promises, oaths & commitments that you unconsciously agreed to willingly or unwillingly in the past.

This Healing Activation & Accelerated Light Experience will introduce you to empowering emotional RICH Clearings & RACE Creations to shift your present reality & vibration to a higher octave so you can align with universal love, flow, peace, and joy which is always a choice and your divine birthright.

This sacred letting go process includes clearing out toxins and debris from your emotional energy centers, your cells, molecules and DNA strands that have been vibrating from fear, attachment to approval & validation from others & self-judgments when we compare ourselves to others.

On every sacred healing gathering you'll experience an energetic tune up to realign your chakras & embody infinite space and flow in your physical & emotional bodies including:

The Burden Centers
The Self-Expression Centers
The Grief & Sorrow Center
The Fear Center
The Old Stuff Center
The Survival Center
The Support Center
The Guilt, Shame, & Unworthiness Center
The Anger, Betrayal, & Rejection Center

How to Use

Listen in a quiet space where you will not be distracted.

Listen once or as often as needed.

You may program this guided journey on a loop or play it on a low volume through the night to release unconscious blocks, stuck points & unresolved trauma held in your solar plexus chakra.

Headphones are not required - however, for best results, listen with headphones before bed time or listen to for your daily meditation rituals. Allow 1-2 hours to rest after listening to process & integrate the high frequencies & accelerated light energies.


There are no cautions for this audio.


Releasing Denying Repressing Hiding Psychic Gifts1689412372979.mp3


$35       $30.99

"I discovered Vandana's work recently and she is beyond-phenomena! Many, many shifts have taken place since I first listened to her transmissions from family clearings, to soul retrievals to deep emotional trauma release and working with the Akashic records. Her gifts are more than I can describe here.

"On the night before a Court Case last month, Vandana was guided to connect with me during an intense night before the Court appearance. I am amazing how she knew I needed support and her guidance was spot on to connect with me at a very low point that night And the most amazing thing I have not even had the pleasure yet of working directly with her, or any of her show packages. I just know that beyond-rapid shifts are occurring just from hearing her voice. So many, many, many blessings since discovering Vandana's work." ~ J.M.N.

"Vandana, I'm so grateful to you and the akashic records course! I'm practicing every day & just wanted to share I had a very deep experience on your last call. I'm not usually one of those people who falls asleep during energy work but on this call I do so this is very deep! I am always left with lingering images from the Akash and I have a book just for this and keep everything written down. Everyone feels the energy of the akashic readings after your attunements.
It was so palpable how much this energy changes things so quickly. I am finding it amazing how much the inner Akashic Work is flowing into the outer world. If I need to clear something, I just RICH & RACE all over the place. Its brilliant!! Thank you so much! I Love you." ~ Al, WA