Arcturian Healing & Karma Clearing

Vandana Atara Aura

Emotional Issues

Arcturian Healing to release stress, anxiety & timeline trauma and heal dna


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Full Description

As Starseeds, Empaths & Blue Ray Beings, you may be carrying negative energies & cellular memories of quantum entanglements with negative ETS or Star Races that created galactic trauma, soul loss & disempowerment.

The Arcturian Medical Assistants (AMA) better known as 'the doctors of the universe' will be making a special 'house call' to those that are 'called' to receive healing elixirs, star medicine & vibrational upgrades to heal & repair your nervous system & electrical light body.

These 9th Dimensional Diamond Star Beings are experts at deleting old programs to amplify your frequency & transmute stress, anxiety & trauma with their advanced master healing skills.

When you say yes, they will heal & harmonize your electrical bodies, nervous systems & energy fields in their healing capsules & your very own pod of womb like light.

They come when you ask to heal your multi-dimensional selves of stress, struggle & over-whelm you are carrying & storing from your galactic ancestors in your planetary DNA & star lineage.

The Arcturian Emissaries Of Light have volunteered to OVER-LIGHT you with their master healing energies, advanced laser light technology & their lovingly high vibration so you can remember who you are, reclaim your soul gifts & speak your truth with ease & grace.

Many of you are experiencing a starseed re-awakening as you do your best to keep up with the accelerated ascension energies & magnetic earth shifts but need vibrational support & divine doctoring to clear karmic distortions, negative energies & fear programming.

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Beings Of Light are here to:

Ease your ascension symptoms
Clear inter-dimensional timeline trauma
Repair Damaged DNA
Raise your vibrational frequency
Re-Calibrate your nervous system & electrical light body
Re-Adjust your bio-field to hold more light
Create more ease, space & flow in your physicality
Attract new earth abundance, support & clarity on your true path!

You will also be assigned a specific soul color to envision & use for continuous self-healing, rapid recovery & accelerated post care to heal & seal rips or tears in your chakras, systems & fields with Soothing Seraphim Salve & Celestial Light Intelligence.

You Galactic Medical Team Will Dissolve The Root Cause Of Pain, Stress & Anxiety From:

Your outer physical body
Your inner astral (emotional) body
Your inner causal (karmic) body
Your inner mental (thought) body
Your inner etheric (intuitive) body
Your inner Soul body &Your physical (outer) body

This Trauma Timeline Transmission frees you from past & parallel stress, anxiety & survival timelines so you can thrive on your accelerated ascension abundance timeline of truth, transparency & authenticity.

Join Your Star Families, Pleidean/Sirian Ancestors & Arcturian Galactic Doctors To:

Activate Your Christed Crystalline DNA Templates
Awaken Your Ascended Chakra Systems
Repair Your Cells, Atoms & Electromagnetic Field
Heal & Seal Rips, Tears & Invasive Energies In Your Auric Astral Bodies
Awaken To Your Star Mission & Soul Gifts So You Can Finally Be Of Service
Raise Your Vibration To 5D Embody Ease, Peace & Space
Transmute 3D Fear, Lack & Scarcity Into 5D Oneness, Unity & Community

***To Experience The Arcturian Healing Pod Activations & Laser Light Healing Technology, All You Need To Do Is Say YES!!!!!

Your Starship Awaits!!!

How to Use

Listen in a quiet space where you will not be distracted.

Listen once or as often as needed.

You may program this guided journey on a loop or play it on a low volume through the night to release unconscious blocks, stuck points & unresolved trauma held in your solar plexus chakra.

Headphones are not required - however, for best results, listen with headphones before bed time or listen to for your daily meditation rituals. Allow 1-2 hours to rest after listening to process & integrate the high frequencies & accelerated light energies.


Do not listen while driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery.


Arcturian Healing.mp3



"I discovered Vandana's work recently and she is beyond-phenomena! Many, Many shifts have taken place since I first listened to her transmissions from family clearings, to soul retrievals to deep emotional trauma release and working with the Akashic records. Her gifts are more than I can describe here.

"On the night before a Court Case last month, Vandana was guided to connect with me during an intense night before the Court appearance. I am amazing how she knew I needed support and her guidance was spot on to connect with me at a very low point that night And the most amazing thing I have not even had the pleasure yet of working directly with her, or any of her show packages. I just know that beyond-rapid shifts are occurring just from hearing her voice. So many, many, many blessings since discovering Vandanas work." ~ J.M.N.

"Vandana, I'm so grateful to you and the akashic records course! I'm practicing every day & just wanted to share I had a very deep experience on your last call. I'm not usually one of those people who falls asleep during energy work but on this call I do so this is very deep! I am always left with lingering images from the Akash and I have a book just for this and keep everything written down. Everyone feels the energy of the akashic readings after your attunements.
It was so palpable how much this energy changes things so quickly. I am finding it amazing how much the inner Akashic Work is flowing into the outer world. If I need to clear something, I just RICH & RACE all over the place. Its brilliant!! Thank you so much! I Love you." ~ Al, WA