2 - Sacral Chakra Balance

Rife Miracle

Chakras & Energy Field

Open and balance the Sacral chakra for healing sexuality & increasing creativity


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Full Description

This audio contains Rife & other healing frequencies to open, clear & balance your sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen.

The sacral chakra is responsible for creativity, emotional healing and healthy sexuality.

Besides Rife frequencies, this track is infused with:

-Quantum Touch
-Healing Prayers

We hope you enjoy using our frequency tracks!

About Our Frequencies

In his brilliant work, Dr Raymond Rife (aka Royal Rife) identified the precise frequencies to bring any organ, gland, tissue or energy center into balance, as well as those necessary to destroy pathogens and eradicate dis-ease. He successfully treated countless patients, with his frequencies.

We at Rife Miracle have further infused our tracks with potent energies including Reiki, Quantum Touch & prayers. We've made our frequencies available as downloadable mp3's, affordably priced so that as many as possible can experience these healing energies.

Disclaimer: While frequencies are powerful, never use as a replacement to other treatment options. Please consult a qualified medical professional for any health concerns. Use frequency healing only as a supplemental tool in your healing journey. We do not offer medical advice.

How to Use

Listen ans needed

For best results, listen with earbuds or headphones at the loudest volume that is comfortable

If you can't use earbuds/headphones, the track will still work, just won't be quite as effective

Safe to loop, but always listen to your body - take a break if you feel you've had enough

Listen to a Sample!


Do not use while driving or when your full attention is required, as single tones can sometimes be distracting or hypnotic


2-Sacral Chakra sq.mp3


