Tree of Life Healings - Keter Sound

Jill Mattson


The Sephiroth Energies are the Blueprint of Divine Sound!

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Full Description

The Sephiroth Energies are the Blueprint of Divine Energies! What are blueprints of energies? Think of E=mC2. A simple formula underlies the basic universal energies. How about our DNA? Life's secret code in a helix blueprint containing all our physical body' plans. In a similar way, each Sephiroth has its own energy, one that we experience in a dense and less powerful form. Yet, when we look at the symbols of the Sephiroth, we sync with the energy version of the High Dimensional Powerful Sephiroth. It is powerful & divine medicine!

In ancient traditions, the High Powerful God Energies contained in the Sephiroth, were set apart so that humanity could experience density, duality, and life as a human. However, humans always long for the divine and sweet remembrance of higher energies. Ancient disciples would focus on and stare at each Sephiroth symbol (see each picture of Sephiroth) to experience resonance with the Higher powerful streams of transforming energies.

The method of converting the Sephiroths shapes to frequencies and harmonic patterns was one of the deepest ancient secrets, but now these methods are returned to us - as we journey back to the divine. You can listen to the carefully crafted sounds designed to unlock the High Dimensional Energies hiding behind each Sephiroth. Receive a powerful dosage with each listen and visual meditation. Sound, being the most powerful subtle energy dosage possible, enables us to propel our energies into powerful realms, quickly.

Listening to these sound codes activates higher dormant energies within. The tonal patterns are sometimes called the Resurrection Frequencies, or the Sephiroth Attunements.

Keter Sepiroth
The sphere of Kether lies on the other side of the Abyss - free from adverse human manifestations. It is the ideal human society, a divine, holy place that is filled with angels and energy beings of light and love. Here higher dimensional beings teach the human spirit to shed human frailties.

As a source of information and knowledge, Kether is the place to go when you want to expand your awareness of the Universe and of things not yet known. It is the place to seek the ideal in yourself. It is a place to visit when you want to experience an existence free of the lower human qualities like hatred, fear, desire, pain, and loneliness. It is a place to feel complete, and a place to complete one's self.

Other Beneficial Sound Energies: Centuary Flower Remedy, DNA Tones, OM, All Master Numbers Frequencies, 111 Master Number Frequency, All planets in our solar system - their Orbit Frequencies, Six Star taped Frequencies (NASA), Fire Energy, Channeled Energies of Ain Soph Energies

How to Use

Work on one CD at a time. You can work for as long as six months on each cd.

If you pay attention to the music, you absorb its energy at a faster rate. So, if you meditate to a CD, listening to the entire CD a day is good. Listen to the whole CD start to finish! If you have the music on while doing other things, listen at least twice a day for the entire CD. A good option is to have the music at extremely low volume and on while you sleep. Your ears never go to sleep.

You can listen for more extended periods. Many loop the CDs and keep them at low volume all day and night for several weeks. Then they see remarkable results. Can you get too much? Yes, you can. As long as your body needs the frequency within a song selection, you will enjoy it. The music will feel pleasurable unless you are releasing negative emotions, in which case the negative feeling will be no longer than a few seconds. When the entire song does not make you feel good, then you have had enough of that song! Your body knows best.

You can memorize the feeling of an angel or divine being by remembering how you feel when you listen to their music and sound code on this music collection. Feel them, listen and call their name to connect & download their energy! Just listen to raise your overall energy leverls and protection.

Listen to a Sample!


Don't listen while driving or using heavy equipment


Ketr sepheroth- audio mp3.mp3


$9       $0.99

"Wow so powerful! I'm buzzing. I've struggled with eating issues most my life. I could feel all of the under issues releasing... Thank you." * - Amber in Ocean View, HI

"Near the end, my body had huge rays of white light and rainbow rays shooting out of me, and when we had to come back I shrunk it down into a ball of light in my belly so I would use that and not food for energy! "
- Shannon on Whitefish

"Thank you, Jill. I feel different and started crying during the meditation as the trapped emotions released."
- Marilyn in Bellingham

"My heart feels so light and expansive, my breathing has changed as well. It is so incredible. I FEEL transformed!!!"
- Helen in Chester

"It felt like a beautiful joy of energy swirling me up higher."
- Linda in Rubicon

"Wow! When I felt into what the energy was I felt my strength and power return to me and compassion was what healed the pain. Love and blessings."
- Penny in North Vancouver