Divine Energies - A Sampler

Jill Mattson


Names of God, Sephiroth and the Magical Runes in Sound Frequencies!

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Enjoy this sampler of Rune, Sephiroth and Names of God frequencies in sound!

Ancient people listened to Special Number Patterns converted to sounds to download the frequency matrices of the divine beings.

They also looked at the Names of God in Sanskrit, The Symbols on the Tree of Life, and the Rune Symbols to elevate their own spirituality, health, and circumstances.

They had secret practices to convert shapes, letters, and symbols to sounds. These have been rediscovered by musician Jill Mattson. She offers the sound codes for the ancient Names of God, used to connect with angels and download attributes of the divine. She recreated the sound codes of the Sephiroth symbols on the Tree of life - the blueprint of god - now you can listen and uplift with these tonal patterns.

Finally, the runes were far more than a diving system as used today. The very symbols created healing and manifesting. Listen to the potent form of the runes in sound.

Each one of these categories has the entire set of frequency patterns, but in this package, there is a sampler of these three sets! Try it! raise your frequencies and meditate in divine spaces!

Included are 9 Names of God in sound codes, two Sephiroth of an attribute of God from the Kaballah, and two runes sound-codes!

Hekhmah Sepiroth:
Intelligence, Male Will, Selflessness, DNA Tones, OM, All Master Numbers, All planets in our solar systems Orbit Frequencies, 222 Master Number Frequency, Whales, Forest Shadows mp3, Quartz Crystal, ATP, Sacred Geometry, Air Energies, Channeled Energies of Ptah & Tehuti

Hod Sepiroth:
Splendor, Surrender, Sincerity, Controls Practical & Emotional with Mental Powers, Intellect that is flexible, Balance Thoughts & Feelings, frequencies of vitamins, collagen and muscle frequencies, 888 Master Number Frequency, Carnelian Frequency, The Frequency of Mercurys Orbit, Whale songs, Cricket sounds, Bird songs, Air/Wind Blowing, Storm & Lightening Energies, Channeled Energies of Thoth & Sebek

9 Angel Sound Codes (from the Collection of 72 Names)

33. The Angel Jehuiah This angel relates to the energies of Moon, Earth, Virgo, rosemary.
Verse: Invoke with Psalms 94:11.

34. The Angel Lahabiah Energies of Saturn, Earth, Virgo, rosemary. Invoke with Psalms 131:3.

35. The Angel Kevakiah - Mercury, Earth, jasper, Virgo. Invoke with Psalms 116:1.

36. The Angel Menadel - Mars, Earth, Virgo, lavender, orange blossom. Invoke with Psalms 26:8.

37. The Angel Aniel - the Moon air, Libra, chamomile. Invoke with Psalms 80:3.

38. The Angel Haamiah - Saturn, air, amber, Libra, erva doce. Invoke with Psalms 91:9.

39. The Angel Rehael - Saturn, air, Libra, lavender, rose quartz. Invoke with Psalms 30:10.

40. The Angel Ieiaz-el - Mercury, air. sandalwood, Libra. Invoke with Psalms 88:14.

Ancient runes create subtle energies from wave interference patterns emanating from their shapes. By viewing the shapes, your eyes take bits of energy and recreate the image in your brain. In that way, you are not separate from what you view. The runes gave strength, balance, and wisdom to those who view them. More potent...listen to them!

Rune: Wunjo, "joy." Phoneme: W. Meaning: joy, ecstasy.
Rune: Protection, protection from enemies, defense of that which one loves.

How to Use

Work on one CD at a time. You can work for as long as six months on each cd.

If you pay attention to the music, you absorb its energy at a faster rate. So, if you meditate to a CD, listening to the entire CD a day is good. Listen to the whole CD start to finish! If you have the music on while doing other things, listen at least twice a day for the entire CD. A good option is to have the music at extremely low volume and on while you sleep. Your ears never go to sleep.

You can listen for more extended periods. Many loop the CDs and keep them at low volume all day and night for several weeks. Then they see remarkable results. Can you get too much? Yes, you can. As long as your body needs the frequency within a song selection, you will enjoy it. The music will feel pleasurable unless you are releasing negative emotions, in which case the negative feeling will be no longer than a few seconds. When the entire song does not make you feel good, then you have had enough of that song! Your body knows best.

You can memorize the feeling of an angel or divine being by remembering how you feel when you listen to their music and sound code on this music collection. Feel them, listen and call their name to connect & download their energy! Just listen to raise your overall energy levels and protection.


Do not use while driving, nor operating heavy equipment


hesod sephiroth audio mp3.mp3

howod sepheroth audio mp3.mp3

e. angel 33 - 40.mp3



$49       $3.99

It felt like a beautiful joy of energy swirling me up higher. Linda in Rubicon

Went in so deep. Tingles down the arms, shivers down the legs. Sharon in London, England

I felt tinglings on the crown chakra and vibrations around me. Rosa Maria in Valencia, Spain

"Wow so powerful! I'm buzzing. I've struggled with eating issues most of my life. I could feel all of the under issues releasing... Thank you." * - Amber in Ocean View, HI

"Thank you, Jill. I feel different and started crying during the meditation as the trapped emotions were released.- Marilyn in Bellingham

"My heart feels so light and expansive, my breathing has changed as well. It is so incredible. I FEEL transformed!!!" Helen in Chester

"Wow! When I felt into what the energy was I felt my strength and power return to me and compassion was what healed the pain. Love and blessings."
- Penny in North Vancouver