Magical Ancient Sephiroth in Sound

Jill Mattson


The Sephiroth Energies are the Blueprint of Divine Energies! Listen & Absorb!

$69       $12.99

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The powerful pharaohs of Egypt believed that their Gods guarded these Gateways of Powerful Uplifting Energies: the Sephiroth.

The keys to these incredibly important gateways were preserved, guarded. They were hidden, in plain sight, carved - time and time again - in indelible stone! A breadcrumb trail was left behind, to help us find our way home to all consciousness and awareness with abundant streams of powerful connected energies!

The method of converting the Sephiroth's shapes to frequencies and harmonic patterns was one of the deepest ancient secrets, but now these methods are returned to us - as we journey back to the divine.

Listen now to the carefully crafted sounds designed to unlock the High Dimensional Energies hiding behind each Sephiroth. Receive a powerful dosage with each listen and visual meditation. Sound, being the most powerful subtle energy dosage possible, enables us to propel our energies into powerful realms, quickly.

**Listening to these sound codes activates higher dormant energies within!**

Sephiroth and the Kabbalah

The secrets of the sacred Tree-of-Life in the Kabbalah tradition originate from deep within the Ancient Egyptian Temple traditions.

Both traditions regard each circle in the Tree-of-Life Blueprint (see the above figure), called a Sephiroth, as a portal of higher dimensional energy. Legends tell that God, or All That Is, descended into matter to experience life at the human level. Beginning at the highest circle (above) we begin with the essence of God. As we move down the diagram we successively step down and compartmentalize energies; each step down becoming denser- a progressively smaller - more limited - pocket of energy.

As above, so below. We experience similar energies as in the Higher Dimensions, but in a less powerful form.

Within each Sephiroth are ancient Hebrew letters, which are vibrational codes, dictating frequencies, harmonics and spelling a word. The Sephiroth, like many ancient texts, were sung for easy memorization and to increase the power of the message.

Most religious traditions associate creation with sound and the spoken word. Ancient languages were considered to be an actual component of "All That Is" or Gods energies, not symbolic communication.

1. Keter Sephiroth - Wisdom, Male, Will, Selflessness
2. Hekhmah Sephiroth - Intelligence, Male Will, Selflessness
3. Binah Sephiroth - Wisdom, Understanding, Female, Emotions, Stable, Organizes, Intellect, Reasoning
4. Chesed Sephiroth - Mercy, Kindness, Loving Grace, What is the Daat?
5. Gevurah Sephiroth - Justice, Severity, Strength, Judgement, Intention, Awe of God, Power Courage
6. Teferet Sephiroth - Beauty, Symmetry, Balance, Balances Hesod and Gevurah, Compassion, Sacrifice, Sincerity, Being True to yourself, Coordinates, Harmony, Equilibrium
7. Netzach Sephiroth - Beauty, Symmetry, Balance, Balances Hesod and Gevurah, Compassion, Sacrifice, Sincerity, Being True to yourself, Coordinates, Harmony, Equilibrium
8. Hod Sephiroth - Splendor, Surrender, Sincerity, Controls Practical & Emotional with Mental Powers, Intellect that is flexible, Balance Thoughts & Feelings
9. Yesod Sephiroth - Foundation, Middle of the Road, Accomplish, Coherent Knowledge
10. Malkut Sephiroth - Kingdom, the physical expression of the Divine, Self-Expression, the Bride (and the groom is Keter), Physical World, Female

The tonal patterns are sometimes called the Resurrection Frequencies, or the Sephiroth Attunements.

The Sephiroth Energies are the Blueprint of Divine Energies!

How to Use

If you pay attention to the music, you absorb its energy at a faster rate. So, if you meditate to a CD, listening to the entire CD a day is good.

Listen to the whole CD start to finish! If you have the music on while doing other things, listen at least twice a day for the entire CD. A good option is to have the music at extremely low volume and on while you sleep. Your ears never go to sleep.

You can listen for more extended periods. Many loop the CDs and keep them at low volume all day and night for several weeks. Then they see remarkable results.

Can you get too much? Yes, you can. As long as your body needs the frequency within a song selection, you will enjoy it. The music will feel pleasurable unless you are releasing negative emotions, in which case the negative feeling will be no longer than a few seconds. When the entire song does not make you feel good, then you have had enough of that song! Your body knows best.

You can memorize the feeling of any divine aspect by remembering how you feel when you listen to this music ...sound codes.

Feel them, listen to connect & download their energy! Just listen to raise your overall energy levels and protection.


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Bibah sephiroth audio mp3.mp3

gevurah sephiroth audio mp3.mp3

hesod sephiroth audio mp3.mp3

howod sepheroth audio mp3.mp3

hukhmah sepheroth audio mp3.mp3

malkut sepheroth audio mp3.mp3

Ketr sepheroth- audio mp3.mp3

netzach sepheroth audio mp3.mp3

teferet sephiroth audio mp3.mp3

yesod sephiroth audio mp3.mp3

$69       $12.99

Dear Jill, I have so much more clarity after discovering your secrets from ancient Egypt. My old pain is shifting almost instantly on all levels. Old thought forms and habits are drifting away. Im sleeping better too. -Susan K

I am detoxing physically and emotionally but I realize that has to happen too. Some physical ailments are getting better every day. I feel like it's soul magic! -Rhonda B

I have a deeper innate knowing of myself and clients. I feel more and more like me!! I knew your Egyptian knowledge and music would be life-changing because I felt a strong energy pulling me to it for days. I was initiated into a higher frequency for sure. Much love Nancy B

What you do in the world of energy and vibration through sound healing music, as well as your books is amazing. You speak my language on many levels, energy, vibration, crystals and flower essences, its all ENERGY. Understanding this in today's world is extremely important for healing especially through challenging times. You are an influencer in sound healing and have made a huge impact on the world. -Ann Ross

Comments on Sephiroth Attunements! Surrounded with love. Felt Angels around me. Thank you with much. Sandy in Alpine, CA

Very peaceful, saw bright violet flames. Whole body tingling. Amazing experience. Diane in San Antonio

I felt swirls of rainbow light energy swirling around my whole entire body. Very powerful. Mike T

Jill's Attunement Sounds add more and more Light into my body. And I felt Light come into my body during your talk. The content couldn't be better. Nothing could be better. -Julie Alvey

Saw sacred geometry images when I closed my eyes. Soles of my feet are tingly. -Sarah K

Omg. If we listen to these 1 full day, we are going to find wings in our backs. Awesomely awesome. That was so beautiful. I felt like I was swimming peacefully underwater and then I started to sing a spontaneous song 'We have forgotten who we are, it is time to remember. Bernice in Vancouver, BC

This attunement (sacral) resonated profoundly in me. I almost cried. I felt that I could live in these sounds, information & ideas forever! Thank you so much. -Lisa in Paris

Whoo Hoo!!! Love love love Jill's frequencies codes to higher dimensional healing for all!
My whole chest lost all stress and tightness, then I felt ready to weep in memory of a moment of time remembered and forgotten. Oh the beauty of this awareness. Let go, surrender and come home to your cosmic heart. Oh my soul there you are welcome.
-Calli in Waterloo, Canada

Rippling waves of gold and purple moving outward. Feeling expansive and powerful! Wow. -Sandra Y

Jill ...Your tracks take me back to a hidden part of me that closed off a long time ago and re-open it to love. Its palpable...and amazing!! You are a gift and your music goes to the deepest parts of me and make them come back into the sunshine for love and healing".
-Darius M. Barazandeh
Healer, Teacher and Host, You Wealth Revolution

Beautiful, my body pains just vanished -Siddardha Renduchintala