The Magic of Runes in Sound

Jill Mattson

Abundance & Life Purpose

Sound codes of runes, amplified in music for healing & manifesting - enjoy!

$69       $12.99

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Full Description

Druidic Runes & Sound Codes derived from Ancient Runes!

In an altogether new application of Runes and Druidic Lore - Jill has created the sounds and harmonics possessed by 18 of the ancient Druidic Runes. Mattson's work preserves the energy of the runes but converts it into Sound Energy.

** Listening to the Sound Codes of the rune shapes also effectively bestows their healing powers and energies! **

Use the frequencies derived from the runes for clearing, to gain abundance and insights for critical decisions that you will face.

Jill also shares the tones and harmonics of the ancient rune symbol that bestows the Frequencies of Wealth. Rune songs were used by Gods in the ancient world to manifest. Legends abound of Merlin, Odin, Nordic and European deities literally creating physical things with the spoken word, a rune sound in specific.

Also in this music, Jill channels King Arthur - a master at embodying the energy of wealth and abundance. He will demonstrate accessing this powerful wealth of energy.

Mattson uses ancient methods of converting shapes and sacred geometry into pitches or notes and crafting their harmonics. You can listen to the runes in sound and subtly transport your imagination to the magical realms of the ancient Druids!

About Ancient Runes

The ancient runes were simple shapes formed by straight lines - roughly akin to printed letters. They held and produced subtle energies from wave interference patterns emanating from their shapes. When we view a rune, our eyes capture a bit of their embedded subtle energy in addition to the normal light frequencies; the rune's subtle energy gets combined in the image that is formed in our brain. The experience goes beyond the normal sense of sight. In that way, you are not separate from what you view.

There are 22 runes passed down from the old Druid Tradition. There are also 22 letters in the ancient Hebrew alphabet. The 22 Hebrew letters were more than symbolic but radiated the energy that created the Hebrew world. Likewise, each rune represents a distinctive and vital element of the consciousness and essential conditions in the ancient Druids' universe. 15 of the runes are positive blessings and have been replicated here into powerful sound codes.

The effective use of the old runes has been long forgotten by most. Conquerors who sought to control the Druidic countries seized this powerful magic and made every effort to eliminate all trace and memory. The runes portray broad concepts and even emit active energies: The Joy-rune bestows ecstasy and joy... pronounced Wungo, which means joy and it holds energy that literally creates joy.

Today some people still toss the runes to make prophecies. This practice is similar to the predictions and insights people receive by throwing the I Ching sticks. Neither system predicts a specific outcome of events but shows the energy that will emerge in time. This knowledge gives the "informed" an edge to prepare for the change in energy that will shortly affect his life.

Those who believe that prophecy was the only purpose of the runes are badly mistaken. In the hands of a skilled Master, the runes and their magical shapes can directly produce powerful energy that radiates positive life outcomes and counteracts competing forces.

Experience the Druidic runes turned to Sound with Jill Mattson with her class the Way of the wizard at

How to Use

If you pay attention to the music, you absorb its energy at a faster rate.

So, if you meditate to a CD, listening to the entire CD a day is good.

Listen to the whole CD start to finish! If you have the music on while doing other things, listen at least twice a day for the entire CD. A good option is to have the music at extremely low volume and on while you sleep. Your ears never go to sleep.

You can listen for more extended periods. Many loop the CDs and keep them at low volume all day and night for several weeks. Then they see remarkable results.

Can you get too much? Yes, you can. As long as your body needs the frequency within a song selection, you will enjoy it. The music will feel pleasurable unless you are releasing negative emotions, in which case the negative feeling will be no longer than a few seconds. When the entire song does not make you feel good, then you have had enough of that song! Your body knows best.

You can memorize the feeling of any rune by remembering how you feel when you listen to their music and sound code on this music collection. Feel them, listen and call their name to connect & download their energy! Just listen to raise your overall energy levels and protection.


Do not use meditative music while driving or operating heavy equipment



beginning of something.mp3



hope and happiness.mp3











$69       $12.99

Felt Warmth All-Around "Wow. Felt such warmth at the end, with the bubble around. - L. in NJ

"Dear Jill, I love hearing you! Love the opening of the portals! I love Merlin energy! " - Linda

Amazing and Beautiful. "Wow! So, so amazing. Such a beautiful process! Wow! Thank you Jill!" * - Erietta in Greece

Joy to Heart, Uplifts Soul "Although I usually don't feel anything, Jill's Runes brings joy to my heart and uplifts my soul. There is so much love, music, and wisdom in her new and all other teachings that I would love to sit under a mighty oak tree to ponder these wonders and take it all in. Such beauty, such harmony. Love and Light." * - Gabriele

"Green trees, blue sky, water, all the little people singing and flying on water lilies across the water. I want to stay there. That is my home." This is my music.* - Sharon in London, England