Divine Invocations ~ Sounds of God (pkg)

Jill Mattson


Bask in the Divine energy of God's & Angels' heavenly sound codes

$69       $9.99

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Full Description

An experience, unlike anything you have ever felt before... Certain words possess great power, as do special Frequencies of Sound. This work has BOTH!

Bask and soak in the pure divine energy produced from sounding God's Names in a long-extinct language.

Mattson has recaptured Divine Aspects of God, encapsulated in 72 Names, each linked intimately with an Angel. Each essence of God is expressed in an ancient Sound Code of four unique tones. Pitch and pronunciation are faithful to the original.

With the enunciation of each Name, a powerful wave of energy emanates forth. Each of the 72 Invocations expresses a divine attribute of God and connects to a dedicated Angel who embodies the blessing. Receive and reset Godly Virtues, such as Great Compassion, Faith, Strength, Forgiveness 72 in all.

Nourish your soul and elevate your energy and well-being in unrivaled pristine energy. Attain great virtue!

61 Minutes total contained in 9 tracks.

How to Use

If you pay attention to the music, you absorb its energy at a faster rate. So, if you meditate to a CD, listening to the entire CD a day is good.

Listen to the whole CD start to finish! If you have the music on while doing other things, listen at least twice a day for the entire CD. A good option is to have the music at extremely low volume and on while you sleep. Your ears never go to sleep.

You can listen for more extended periods. Many loop the CDs and keep them at low volume all day and night for several weeks. Then they see remarkable results.

Can you get too much? Yes, you can. As long as your body needs the frequency within a song selection, you will enjoy it. The music will feel pleasurable unless you are releasing negative emotions, in which case the negative feeling will be no longer than a few seconds. When the entire song does not make you feel good, then you have had enough of that song! Your body knows best.

You can memorize the feeling of an angel or divine being by remembering how you feel when you listen to their music and sound code on this music collection. Feel them, listen and call their name to connect & download their energy! Just listen to raise your overall energy levels and protection.


Do not use while driving or operating heavy equipment


02 - Invocations nine to seventeen, Names of God and Connected Angels led by Arch Angel Haziel.mp3

03 - Invocations eighteen to twenty four, Names of God and Connected Angels led by Arch Angel Auriel.mp3

04 - Invocations twenty five to thirty two, Names of God and Connected Angels led by Arch Angel Uriel.mp3

05 - Invocations thirty three to forty, Names of God and Connected Angels led by Arch Angel Camael.mp3

06 - Invocations fourth one to forty eight, Names of God and Connected Angels led by Arch Angel Raphael.mp3

07 - Invocations forty nine to fifty six, Names of God and Connected Angels led by Arch Angel Haniel.mp3

09 - Invocations sixty five to seventy two, Names of God and Connected Angels led by Arch Angel Gabriel.mp3

01 - Invocations one to eight, Names of God and Connected Angels led by Metatron.mp3


$69       $9.99

Dear Jill, Your music is amazing. I chanted and received while listening. I just took a couple of regular photos of myself and saw a starburst of brilliant light sweeping in and around my body. There were sweeping lines of pastel colors of light around my body too. I believe the music has brought this light to me! Love, Cindy.

Jill, OH! This is truly beautiful and sacred work. -Dyan

The Other Beautiful Thing about this music is that It keeps playing even after turning off the player. In the ethers. Some music does that. Yours does. -Pamela G

Thank you..When I listened, so many images came to my mind. Was so deep. Heavenly experience. lots of love and light - M.T.

LovelySimply Angelic -Valentina Vujosevic