Epsilon Dreaming

Steven North

Sleep & Stress Release

Deep & extrasensory brainwave experience w/ crystal frequencies & binaural beats

$20       $12.99

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Full Description

The Epsilon Meditation is one of the more complex creations that we've done with the Heart Activation Music.

We're using the element of water and a number of crystals to help with the neural network within the brain and within the collective grids of reality (microcosm/macrocosm).

Originally created in 2019 and only made for release in 2021, we use the 0,1-0,4 Hz Epsilon waves, extraordinary states of consciousness, high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-level inspiration states, spiritual insight, out-of-body experiences Binaural Beats with a number of crystals.

How to Use

It's highly recommended to use this song with headphones due to the nature of the brainwave & crystal frequencies that have been embedded within the song.

You can use it on a sound system without headphones as it will create a sacred space but haven't had the opportunity to use it in a group session to see how the energies will flow and whether I'd slow down.

Listen to a Sample!


Do not ever use this song when driving. Don't even try! Currently listening to the song now as typing this message and I feel the brain responding energetically to the frequencies within the song. Thus, it is highly practicable to use this when resting, when sitting down and meditating.


Epsilon Meditation (Full Album) - Steven North.mp3


$20       $12.99

"This music is highly relaxing to an overactive mind and brings peace and calm within, two very important and sacred qualities that are indispensable in todays world. It acts as a bridge between two worlds." ~ Marlene Swetlishoff (https://www.therainbowscribe.com)

"If you are feeling anxious or have an overly active mind this music is for you! It has a very calming effect bringing you into a relaxed state whilst quietening the mind of chatter. " - Janine Keall (https://www.janinerosekeall.com)

""I just did a silent mindfulness meditation with Steven North's Epsilon Meditation track, and It was a brilliant experience. Without so much journeying, I remained present and could feel the sound vibration permeate my skin, feeling movement and tingling sensations in my face which actually soothed me to sleep. When I woke, I felt amazing, refreshed, light and happy. Thank you, Steven, for this experience, you always create with the highest source of energy within your work. I highly recommend that the community try this for themselves!
Much appreciation." - Sherilee, The Empyreal Sun (https://www.facebook.com/theempyrealsun/)