Better Sleep (Silent)

Hayatti Rahgeni

Sleep & Stress Release

Clear all energies that are disrupting your sleep ($13 value!)

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Full Description

This audio is completely silent and contains powerful energy clearing to help you enjoy better sleep.

The frequencies on this audio will help calm your mind and relax your body so you can fall asleep easily...

If you find this audio helpful, contact me and let me know at


Hayatti utilizes the following in her energy-infused clearing audios:

-The Rays of the Sun
-Holographic Tools
-Ethereal Crystals
-Positive Vibrational Energies

All these frequencies combine to clear energy blockages and create powerful shifts in your mind, body and consciousness - experience Hayatti's work for yourself!

How to Use

Listen to this audio before sleep with headphones or play in the background.

You can play this audio as often as you like. It can be played on repeat throughout the night.


DO NOT play this audio while driving or operating heavy equipment. If you find that listening to the audio on repeat is too much, stop listening and give your body a couple of days to rest.


Better Sleep Aug 2021.mp3


$13       $8.99

"I couldn't sleep last night. So I listened to this audio and to my surprise I fell asleep in no time" - RR, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM

"Hayatti has such a serene energy and holds a beautiful sacred space for healing.

I went into each session with an intention to balance and open a specific chakra and I felt completely transformed after every 30 minute session.

My mind was clearer, I felt a blissful sense of inner and outer peace and the quality of my sleep even improved.

I would certainly recommend working with Hayatti, even if you are feeling well and just want to enhance your sense of calm, focus and wellbeing." - EMMA GIBSON, MANCHESTER, UK

"I always felt a feeling of peace after the sessions and physically I felt that something in my body shifted to make room for good things yet to come.

It's only been a few days since the last session but I was able to anchor that feeling into my body and access it easily whenever I needed it.

Another benefit was being able to sleep very deeply after the sessions.

Overall I feel that it was just an amazing experience.

I had never done healing in this way before and I recommend it to anyone who's stuck in their emotions and it's hard to get past them or if they're experiencing mental clutter. I feel that either way the session will help you. Try it out!" -

"In receiving healing from Hayatti, I found myself more temperate and with better patience.

Before the healing, I always have pains or ills causing me stress, some from long-term injuries, or other minor things that have bugged me for a long time, but after the session, I am more relaxed. This increased relaxation has allowed me to sleep better, which has in turn lead to an all-around better outlook day to day.

Hayatti is very calm, wise and caring, this all carries well, and listening to her voice puts you at ease very quickly, which is very important for building the right mind-space to receive healing.

I would absolutely recommend people work with Hayatti whether it be to help you through something or to help strive further towards your goals. -