Healing Flower Symphonies Vol II

Jill Mattson

Emotional Issues

Removes negative emotions & restores positive emotions in beautiful music!

$18       $9.99

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Full Description

The Healing Flower Symphonies are a remarkable collection of original compositions containing the vibratory healing benefits of Flower Essences.

The two-CD Volumes each contain frequencies for six unique healing flowers. Each flower radiates unique positive energy, such as trust, patience, or sincerity. For example, a rose emulates the beauty and the daisy feels cheerful.

Feelings are contagious, and we can harness flower energy to personally develop positive feelings. To cure the doldrums, pick daisies. To enhance feelings of beauty, listen to the roses.

From primitive tribes in ancient times to modern visionaries such as Dr. Edmund Bach, people have received powerful benefits from ingesting the flower essences. Each flower addresses an important primary positive emotion common to everyone, such as impatience, doubt, demanding love. Each track of the Healing Flower Symphonies provides the healing potential of the associated flower.

In addition to the actual frequencies of twelve flower essences, each track offers powerful, emotionally healing music. The net effect is the wonderful blessing of the flower essences in a vibratory experience, coupled with a complex musical composition; this both resolves the emotional challenge involved and strengthens the desirable emotional health of the listener.

Healing Flower Symphonies Vol I and II contain 12 different flower remedies and emotional healing - 6 healings in Healing Flower Symphonies Vol I and 6 more in Healing Flower Symphonies Vol II.

-Turning Doubt into Trust

-Turning Indecisiveness into Inner Certainty

-Turning Escaping Reality into Living in Reality

-Turning Fear of the World into Trust of the World

-Turning Impatience into Patience

-Turning World Savior into Light Bearer

-Turning Isolation into Togetherness

-Turning Inner Conflict into Inner Equilibrium

-Turning Panic into Heroic Courage

-Turning Passive Service into Active Service

-Turning Pretend Harmony into Inner Peace

-Turning Demanding Love into Giving Love Freely

How to Use

Just listen. It doesn't matter if you have headphones or not.

The music will jar negative emotions as it extracts them from your tissues in your body.

Just intend to release and (if sensitive) you can feel negative emotions pop off of your body.


No cautions


5 chicory.mp3

cerato 16.mp3

gentian 16.mp3


mimulus wav 2016.mp3

vervian 2016.mp3

$18       $9.99

Jill. The first time I listened to the Flower Symphonies CD the initial response I had was tears of joy throughout the whole thing..
-Blessings, Lana Ryder Rosner

5 Stars. A Most Profound Experience. I had a most profound experience listening to the various Bach Flower frequencies. My emotional responses ranged from giddiness to strong feelings of hunger to erotic impulses! My body also responded in other ways! I was utterly amazed by the range of thoughts, feelings and physical sensations that were triggered by different Bach Flower frequencies in sound. I insistently respect the power of these unique frequencies and music to heal in a rather dramatic fashion. I highly recommend Healing Flower Remedies Volume 1 & 2 to both laymen and healing practitioners alike!
-Danny G

Thank you so much for those healing sounds and songs. The have inspired within me a rejuvenation renascence. As a little kid I have been abducted by MILAB operations then blank slated. This left horribly deep pockets of PTSD that I am now dealing with. However, the Flower Symphonies are extracting my PTSD and unknown toxic emotions. By far the most effective treatment I have yet come across in my work. Absolutely brilliant.
With the deepest gratitude, Ryan Stallman

I just purchased Paint Your Soul & Healing Flower Symphonies Vol II. They are like magic. When I am listening to them, I feel so wonderful like I am in another realm.
-David Fine

Spectacular, Awesome. Best meditation CD!!! Gets you to near sleep within five minutes which makes it a perfect manifestation system!!! Get in touch with your Higher Self quickly. Bobcat

I want to report an extraordinary healing episode I had as a result of listening to the song Agrimony from your Healing Flowers Symphony CD. As I lay listening to this song I felt the music begin to touch a annoying fear that I have held for many years. After listening to this song I found that this perennial fear had simply dissipated as if it had been dissolved by the music.
Immediately after listening to the song, I was left with a sensation of extreme well being that manifested emotionally as a quiet effortless peace that had displaced the fear and seemed to seep into my whole being, and mentally as a picture of Mother Earth coddling me in her arms as if I were a small child being rocked to sleep. It was an extraordinary experience. Thank you for your music! I believe that many people will be greatly helped by your work.
-Keith David Henry

"When I listen to the Flower Symphonies, I got goosebumps all over my body".
-Love & Gratitude, Elizabeth & Kate

I had a deep, lingering sadness that lasted for almost six years. After trying many energy healing modalities and not feeling successful, I found Jills work by coincidence. I listened to Jills Healing Flower Symphonies for three months, and felt a shift from sadness and helplessness to joy and empowerment. This is huge! I love the symphonies and continue to listen because I know healing can be a process. Finally, my ship came in with the name Jill on it. Thank you.
-K Mitlas

My son has recently went through an ugly divorce & not ever in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I had so much resentment, hostility and rage towards an ex daughter-in-law...WOW....what a shock to my system to have see the darkness in myself that we all have lurking somewhere within us......
I began playing Jills music on my daily journey to and fro to work... I noticed that my feeling of inner peace were restored...the key word here is "FEELING."
Within my heart center and within the recesses of my mind a healing and calming was taking place from Jills music...
Also my granddaughter has repercussions from the divorce. At night she goes to sleep listen to the music and loves it... she runs to her bed jumps in and eagerly awaits to hear the sounds.... she is five years old and it is having a calming effect on her as well...there are many modalities of healing.... music and sounds seems to be a method that helps me accept the gentleness of rhythms of healing...
-Madeline Nickles

Jill, I've been listening to your Healing Flower Symphonies. I feel the chimes in different areas of my heart and being.

The first listen was an adjustment to sound effects but, once I did, sound rippled deep and through me.

You were right, this is not for the faint of heart because you release negative emotions, but my experience has NOT been unpleasant. In fact, it is heightening things I was feeling and I became clear in my perceptions.
I am going through a time of significant change and this is just what the doctor ordered for me to reach my highest good. I am releasing my negative emotions and still you make this so palatable.

I'm using the Flower Symphonies to release any discomforts I held on to that keep me from my spiritual development. I am more confident and at ease with life. Science and spirituality can combine to heal. You do it lovely-I thank you.
-Susan Caroll