Paint your Soul CD

Jill Mattson

Chakras & Energy Field

Solfeggio, Reverse Solfeggio, Fibonacci Tones - Lightens your Aura!


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Full Description

Ancient clairvoyants could see someone's aura light up whenever they listened to a series of special frequencies, called the Solfeggio tones. They could see the healing power of these special frequencies on a multitude of levels.

As people lost clairvoyant vision, they encoded these in the Bible and in ancient Egypt, to insure their safekeeping through the ages. These tones sparkle throughout the Paint Your Soul CD.

Paint Your Soul will fill your home, your head, and your heart with ethereal and soothing original scores entirely written and performed by Jill Mattson. The collection features angelic vocals and uses sound healing techniques drawn from Ancient Mystery Schools to take you deep into layers within yourself for renewal and uplifting, energizing your mind and heart. This CD uses the sacred geometry of the Fibonacci series to create a profoundly healing effect.

The Fibonacci series is a pattern found in the geometries of solar systems, plants and seashells, the human body, and in some of the world's most loved art and architecture. On this CD, Jill has used tuning forks to produce pure Fibonacci tones and convert this spiral-shaped sacred geometric pattern into musical form.

According to ancient traditions, these sounds carve a pathway into the listener's consciousness, elevating the spirit and creating brain wave patterns that can expand consciousness.

The Fibonacci series of numbers (found in the geometries of solar systems, plants, seashells, the human body, and in some of the worlds most loved art and architecture) has also been converted into musical form in Paint Your Soul.

The Fibonacci numbers (or sound frequencies where music is concerned), when graphed, reveal a spiral pattern (Nautilus shell). In contrast, graphs of analogous notes in Western music create a circle. Many ancient traditions held that listening to the "spiral" pattern of sound "quickens" the listeners soul, enabling it to rise closer to God and enlightenment.

Paint Your Soul uses tuning forks to produce the pure Fibonacci tones of this spiral pattern. This creates a sound, which according to ancient traditions, carves a pathway into the listeners consciousness elevating him spiritually and creating brain wave patterns that can expand consciousness.

The musical elements in Paint Your Soul include numerical sound frequencies encoded in the Bible (Numbers 7:12-83). Horowitz and Puelo published a book (Healing Codes of the Biblical Apocalypse) revealing these Biblical frequencies, called the "Solfeggio Tones." These powerful tones were secretly encoded in the Bible for safe keeping until the right time arrived for their unveiling.

Ancient clairvoyant could see someones aura light up, whenever they listened to this pattern of frequencies, called the Solfeggio tones. They could see in plain sight the healing power on a multitude of levels of these special frequencies. As people lost clairvoyant vision, they were encoded in the Bible to insure their safekeeping through the ages. These tones sparkle throughout the Paint your Soul CD.

The numerical pattern of the Solfeggio tones was incomplete, as evidenced by unfinished numerical sequences. The fully completed series, 18 tones, translated into musical tones using tuning forks, is contained in Paint Your Soul CD.

How to Use

Listen as often as you like.

Great listening dosage creates a greater impact.

Use earphones or not! It works both ways.


Listen as long as you enjoy it! It is soothing and calming.


1. my soul 2015.mp3

2 sail the comets tail 2015.mp3

3. broken chords 2015.mp3

4 A Prayer for David 2015.mp3

05 faded roses 2015 (1).mp3

6. the touch 2015.mp3

happy and freee 7 2015 (1).mp3


Jill, As I listen to your music for the very first time, I felt it immediately begin to minister love, Peace, and well-being to every cell in my body. Frankly, that hasn't happened ever in my life. I felt every cell coming into perfection as I closed my eyes to breathe in this amazing music. Thank you!!!
-Much love, Michael Murphy

Dear Jill, I was afflicted with very bad head & chest cold on Sunday. That evening I could not sleep at all, and nothing in terms of medicine was working. I decided to put ALL of Jill's CDs in my carousel and played them as I lie down.
During the music, everything that was blocking my respiratory system, throat, and digestive system began to remove itself from my body. It was truly a breakthrough that enabled me to fully recovery the following day & enabled me to do my talk show with a regular voice & energy.
Jill's music is truly powerful and is very much on the cutting edge of a rediscovery of ancient remedies healing the body, mind & Spirit.
-Gary D. Purifory Co-Owner of The Community Listening Network

When I listen to your beautiful CD my cares melt away and I feel the illusion of fear dissolve. I experience the truth of light and love when I listen to your music.
-Anne L

Dear Jill, I cannot express how much your music has affected me. As a spiritual practitioner and consultant, I am so moved by the music that you have successfully created and the art that you have managed to capture on canvas and express your Soul. Your work is of a realm that most are striving for, reaching, and acknowledging and can use to assist them in self-discovery and awareness.
The Universe blesses you, honors, and celebrates you, your assistants, and all that you have humbly provided. You are one who has recognized your gifts and abilities and has offered the world an opportunity not only to share but to use and discover their own talents.

Greetings, Jill.
You have a beautiful voice - pure and fragile. Your melodies feature a holistic, mathematical approach, which takes people outside of the pop-influenced melodic sound of commercial New Age. Taxi Music co.
The one-person musical package melodic meanders through each track evoking ethereal and swimming melodies reminiscent of New Age Artist, Enya, and of British singer, Sarah Brightman.
-Derrick News

Dear Jill
When I first listened to your music, I found the music somewhat disturbing. It made me feel as if an uncommon force was being exerted over me. I was if a mystery was confronting me. But he more I listened, and the more I thought about it, I realized that it wasn't a mystery, but a revelation. The revelation of what might have been, and unspoken perfection, a truth lying deeply buried beneath the accumulation of rubbish in my life.
You see, I found in your music a hidden secret, the unconfessed part of myself, that I know to be the truest, most precious, and the most sacred part, which I have steadfastly ignored.
- Dr. Michael Lagan

Jill, Today I've decided to share with you my intake of your beautiful music. Not something I talk about much as it's a deeply personal story. When I was 8 years old I nearly drown and had a life after death experience. Long story short, your music is as close to the sounds I experienced in that near death experience than anything I've ever heard. Weird but true. Forty plus years has strewed many memories but not this one, it's as clear as it was when it happened. Hope my story makes you feel more like a little angel than anything burdensome or heavy.
-Judy F

Dear Jill, I put your CD in the player and went on to do my business, but it did not take me long to drop what I was doing and come back to the source. A big WOW!!! The words calming and invigorating do not quite accurately describe the feeling it evoked. At a loss for words and that is unusual for me.
-Geraldine S

Dear Jill, While listening, I felt a deep healing happening. I was sitting at my computer and when the CD ended, I felt such profound Peace and Lightness. Even though I was in the thinking mode while listening to it, the music resonated right into my being. It is truly healing music for your Spirit and your Soul.

Jill, OH! This is truly beautiful and sacred work.

What an awesome creation, I can't stop playing it. I feel so peaceful, the sounds are so healing. I use it during my healing sessions with clients. They all ask for it. Thanks~~~
Beautiful music that lifts me up - mind, body, and Soul.