Harmony Of The Soul (432 Hz)

Steven North


Powerful frequencies for DNA repair, healing of emotional wounds & more!


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Full Description

** Most sought-after track, never released to the public until now! **

When this track has been presented at expos around Australia, people always ask for the copies because of the relaxation, the waves, the pulse of energy that flows through it.

Combines 432 Hz with frequencies of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Lakshmi, Vishnu and more!


-Assisting with the recovery of depression

-Assisting with dna repair

-Healing of emotional wounds

-Cleansing of the bioenergy field (aura)

-Opening the heart to unconditional love

-Embodying the Light of Consciousness

-Brings Transformation

-Creating Sacred Space

...and so much more!


This magical Amethyst crystal is known as the 'Amy Crystal' as it is Steven's specific crystal that he uses to connect with spirit guide, Amy herself. In this music, Amethyst is used to assist with the physical body, emotional body & mental body.

Clear Quartz
A master healer crystal, and may be used for any condition, such as to stimulate the immune and circulatory systems; enhancing energy flow and bringing the body into balance; to treat migraine headaches and vertigo; in stabilizing dizziness or motion sickness; and is believed to assist with metabolism, exhaustion, and weight loss.

432 Hz
The Binaural Frequency found within this song is 432 Hz and is reported to being the frequency of Love and aids one with the Transformation, Miracles and DNA Repair.

Attunedvibrations.com states that it is known as Verdis A is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. The frequency of 432 Hz is referred to as a frequency of Love, of DNA Repair, of cleansing the chakras and the auric fields.

Amy North
Amy North is the Spirit Guide & Twin Flame to Steven North. She is a Bodhisattva, a Goddess of Purity & Unconditional Love and is passionate about sharing her wisdom to all open to receiving it.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She holds the promise of material fulfillment and contentment. She is described as restless, whimsical yet maternal, with her arms raised to bless and to grant

Vishnu is the preserver god, which means he protects the universe from being destroyed and keeps it going, according to this religion, and he has come to earth in nine forms (called avatars) so far, with one yet to come. His most famous forms are Rama and Krishna. Vishnu's wife is Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of fortune.

The Creative Source
The Creative Source is the very essence of all creation, it is within us all and this is included within the song as Steven North is The Creation Source.

This music is used in the group session & healing session performed by Steven North and is the most sought after track that has never been released to the public until now. The Harmony of the Soul is a simple meditative track that can be utilised in your own meditative practices, with numerous benefits!

How to Use

Whenever, wherever, however you wish

Listen to a Sample!


There are no cautions for this audio.


Harmony of the Soul (432hz Meditation).mp3



"I am a massive music lover and when I first found the divine Heart Activation Music from Steven and Amy North, WOW... every cell in my body was lit up. I could not get enough!

"I listened for an entire day and night. Each song I listened to takes you on a journey and enhances a unique vibration. You do not need to know what is involved in the making of the music, you can just feel it.

"One song, you can be dancing with joy and the next in a deep meditation or healing release. They have such a great collection and one that is constantly playing in my car, home and sessions with clients.

"If you have not yet listened, I highly recommend it for anyone and everyone. Warning!! Once you start it may be hard to stop.
Thank you Steven, Amy and all guides for this wonderful gift to the world."

"I was blessed to have met Steven North recently and played his Heart Activation Music during one of my Intuitive Reiki Sessions and what we experienced was beautiful.

"My client was taken on a gentle journey into her own heart which allowed for a gentle transformation. I believe that everyone has within them all they need to experience complete healing, and this music guides my client to find and unlock their inner wisdom, knowledge and resources.

"Steven's music is gentle, and uplifting and took both myself and my client to an elevated frequency. Thank you for your service to those who are drawn to your hearts work and your generous spirt. I look forward to working more with you in the future."

"I started to go to Steven's Heart Activation Session only early May. The impact on my spirituality was amazing. It was awakening and upgrading exponentially with an amazing impact on my mental and emotional capacity.

"What does this mean? It was as if layers of dust were removed from my memory, and my heart (activity) yield a depth I have not known before. The Heart Activation Music enabled my heart to connect to my beloved in a way I could not imagine before. What's more, my healing capacity rocket the sky..."