Raise Your Vibration

Dawn Crystal


Raise your vibration to repel any fear affecting you from the world


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Full Description

This audio will align you to your personal Light and power.

It will also clear different levels of fear from: negative thoughts, traumas (this life and past lives), blocked energy, ancestral energy, and other people's belief systems.

Contains 2 processes:

-The first to clear what you don't want; i.e. any fear you are experiencing

-The second to bring in what you do want in life

As simple as putting on your head phones and feeling your pain melt away in a short period of time!
It's a miraculous "new" approach to heal fast! - and completely natural!!!

-Unravels your belief systems from the root cause

-Helps your vital life force energy flow through the body, so your body can heal itself naturally!!!

-Increases energy, vitality and vibrance!

-Helps bring in more abundance flow into your life (more joy, happiness, love, money, etc!)

Additional Benefits:
-Clears Depression
-Clears Negative thoughts
-Clears Traumas (past & present)
-Clears Blocked Energy
-Clears Ancestral energy
-Clears belief systems
-Clears Low Vibrational Energy

All mp3's are downloaded with High Frequency Source Energy that continually clear and heal you from the inside out.

Dawn channels Healing Sound Frequencies through her voice to accelerate the healing process in each module.

Try it today and feel the difference & See what everyone is raving about!!!

How to Use

All mp3 recordings are encoded with the high frequencies of source energy and love.

Active participation is required; listen in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted.

Listen only once a day.

Please listen with headphones or ear buds.


Please do not listen while driving or operating heavy equipment. Drink extra water while using this audio.





Hi Dawn, I was the first Q & A you answered- I had pain wrapping around my rib cage and back on the left side. As you worked, it shifted up under my left shoulder blade and into the center spine area. It got very painful thru that area for about 10-20 minutes, then all was gone. Only a slight soreness in the affected areas now. A huge relief! I listened to the entire program and got more relief from your other transmissions as well.
-Rita T

I listened to your call on the Transformation Show and had quite positive energy movement in my body. I would love to schedule a session with you!
-LuAnn C.

Hi Dawn - You worked on my right knee issue during the call and I am here to report that my knee is 100% better. It started to ease gradually and I was waiting to see how it held up after 3 days. One word: AMAZING! My knee was stiff and achy during the call but has regained suppleness now. I feel it looser and my movements more fluid. You said it was ancestral and you were not sure if the call was enough well I can tell you that you are a miracle woman for me cos it was certainly more than enough. Thank you thank you thank you! You are a blessing and I am infinitely grateful for your help.
-Rym D