Pet Loss Grief Support

Vandana Atara Aura

Emotional Issues

Pet Loss - moving from grief & pain to peace & love


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Full Description

This channeled guidance & healing transmission is dedicated to all pet owners who have loved & lost their beloved pets.

If you've lost your beloved pet & are still suffering from grief, shock or physical separation, your animal companions want you to know that they are forever by your side & are safe in their new heavenly home.

They have only left in physical form, but their light bodies & eternal spirit live on for eternity & can never die.

This healing transmission will help you:

- Safely & gently grieve for your beloved pet & familiar

- Release judgements & fears about the grieving process

- Allow yourself to feel your feelings & emotions

- Dedicate a sacred space to honor your special relationship with your pet

- Forgive & release yourself from guilt, blame or shame, with Ho'opono pono

Our pets tell us if its in their soul contracts, they may either reincarnate & be your pet again or if you ask & state your strong desire & intention, they may even find another soul companion thats perfect for you & your other pets to fill the void in your hearts & homes.

The good news is you can still maintain a close relationship & communicate with your beloved pets by simply radiating & accelerating your light frequency, so you can meet again & feel their loving presence once again.

They say when our pets transition, they shed their physical form & go straight through heavens door across the rainbow bridge & immediately are enfolded in light. They meet their pet families, parents, children, siblings & previous pet owners as well as their creator so they are never alone. They are safe, cared for & can easily connect with you.

I lost my first feline familiar on June 4th, 2017 & am with her every single day.

She will always hold that special place in my heart. She was my greatest teacher & is an advanced soul, psychic, & a Reiki Master who still works with me, through me, & with my clients & students & serves us all from heavens door.

I recorded this session for a client who was grieving the loss of her cat as I was mine.

The spirit of Maya who is now called Mayamma came through to give us both comfort & to ease the pain, guilt, & grief every pet owner experiences when they lose their precious animal family members.

I hope this brings you comfort in your time of need.

This sacred soul journey contains 66 minutes of teachings, Divine light transmissions, cosmic code clearings & energetic re-sets


Vandana embodies the Divine feminine frequencies of Christed light through her soothing voice, open heart & tender touch.

Her Divine healing intervention team & doctors of divinity can be felt, seen & experienced through her body, eyes, aura & healing touch when you are in her presence.

Vandana was gifted ascension keys & codes during the paradigm shift in December 2012 to help usher in the new energies of unity, community & 5D living with ease & grace!

How to Use

This frequency transmission can be listened to anytime in a quiet & distraction-free space.

Please sit or lie down in a comfortable position & drop into your heart space for best results.

Please rest for 2 hours after the transmission is complete.

Afterward, you may play it on a loop and have it play continuously while you sleep for the ultimate healing experience.


Do not listen while driving a vehicle, multi-tasking or operating heavy machinery.


Pet Loss Activation.mp3



FROM GRIEF TO PEACE - 3 years ago, I lost my loving cat. I had her for 16 & 1/2 years. I now realize there was a huge amount of grief & sorrow that I wasn't willing to look at or feel until one day I could no longer ignore the pain & sadness I was feeling. I was looking for answers about our soul connection & why my beloved feline companions soul chose to return to heaven. That's when I met Vandana, a caring & compassionate soul who always has my best interest at Heart. Each time I have a session with Vandana, I feel more peaceful & joyful. She has now become my teacher & I am happy for the experience I have through Akashic records. I highly recommend working with her & I am so grateful for her wisdom & guidance. In one of our Akashic reading sessions my loving cats came through to Vandana. She patiently & lovingly took the time to channel messages from my cats which resulted in me finding acceptance and piece of mind and Heart in knowing i could never lose them and their love. Its been a while since i have felt so good thank you Vandana for your spiritual guidance in my life. I have finally found the peace, ease and grace I was looking for. Thank you & Bless You Vandana! - Mai-Britt - Denmark