Floating into Pure Stillness

Michelle Carter

Sleep & Stress Release

Wow, what an amazing experience! Can you even imagine having no mind chatter!


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Full Description

Feel amazing peace and stillness in your mind, a feeling of nothing, silence no noise, no mind chatter just stillness!

The Floating energy work on the audio includes:

-Floating your Mind into Realms of Pure Peace & Pure Stillness

-Feeling the Pure Power of Pure Peace & Pure Stillness flow through your Mind

-Feeling Pure Peace, Pure Truth & Pure Stillness in your Mind

-Floating into the Pure Power of Pure Peace & Pure Stillness

-Floating - Floating - Floating

This audio will work on the following areas of your energy:

-Your Mind

-Your Sinuses

-Your 3rd Eye

-Your Throat, Communication & Expression

-Your Spirit & Emotions

-Your Heart

-Your Soul

-Your Energy Field

-Your Whole Being

-Your 'I AM Energy'

Listening before an important event or occasion will raise your vibration and have you 'floating' through the experience feeling calm and enjoying the moment!

Also listening every day will really raise your vibration and move you into Divine Flow and being able to create the life you want. Using this audio with Disconnecting audios will shift you out of feeling sabotaged so much quicker and easier and have you feeling better than you thought possible!


Multi-layers: Silent & Low Volume

There is the main track throughout, with two 'echo' tracks fading into and out of your left and right headphones to emphasise the words and energies of 'Pure Stillness' and "Floating'. This makes the audio so much more powerful.

The audio has layers of silent backing tracks to:

-Clear the releasing energies direct to source so you don't feel them

-Work on deeper layers of your energy going through all time, space and dimensions

-Fill and Floating you into the vibration of Pure Love

An incredibly thorough energy session that will have you feeling amazing! Your mind will feel calmer and more peaceful each time you listen, so you experience deeper feelings of stillness and less and less mind chatter and external noise.

This allows you to be more open to feeling and hearing your Divine guidance and inner self, making it easier to discern and stay on course with your Divine purpose.

It also opens you up to feeling and being in higher realms so you can experience 'happy for no reason' and really connect to and be in the Realms of Pure Creation.

The more you listen the more you will benefit from the amazing energies of Pure Stillness! Please do check out the listening recommendations below and start slowly!

We are all so affected by mind chatter and constant lists of things to do, feelings of not being good enough, worthy, deserving etc To be free of all of these energies is totally amazing, like living a different life as a different person, floating above all that is going on in the world and around you!

How to Use

Start by listening ONCE for the 1st day and see how you feel. This audio is very high frequency so build up how many times you listen slowly!

You will feel more and more peace and stillness in your mind and have increasing periods of feeling total stillness with no mind chatter!

Please note, if you over listen then this audio will work as a releasing audio and you may feel releasing symptoms rather than peace and stillness, so listen once a day and really enjoy feeling the energy!

For best results, listen when you can relax, close your eyes and really soak up and enjoy the energies. Listening through headphones is more powerful and enhances the echo on this audio.

Great for when feeling stressed, after work or clearing a cluttered mind and move into your heart / soul energy to feel and make a decision.

If you have any questions or queries about this audio and how to use it then please email me: info@michellecarter.co.uk


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you feel any releasing / detox symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, you can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out.


Floating into Realms of Pure Stillness.mp3



"I am so amazed with this audio. I always had mind chatter and voices.. This audio has helped me in so many ways. I keep it playing all night and day. My mind has calmed down and voices almost going. The more I listen the calmer my mind becomes. I feel so much more happy and alive. Life is improving everyday with all Michelle's audio. Her energy work is the most powerful I ever worked with. Love, love love.." Jill, USA

"Michelle's new Floating into Realms of Pure Stillness audio is truly a game-changer! Since working with this audio daily I have noticed true lasting change in quite a few areas:

I am consistently more relaxed & peaceful with less anxiety & stress.
My mind is much more quiet
I truly feel lasting moments of Pure Stillness which I like to call the pregnant pause where anything is possible!
I feel much more light in body, mind & spirit.
The heaviness that I have felt for years, which has caused me to feel like I am made of lead and dragging, has lifted!
I have much more pep in my step &
I am much more productive in my life.
I have also found that the releasing issues are so much less and easier to cope with when I use this audio before & after any sessions that I do.

I highly recommend this audio for everyone!" - Kimber, USA