Harmonies of Light Year of Miracles

Jim Oliver


Frequencies to help you awaken to your true self ($100 value!)

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Full Description

This is the special live streaming event created for Debra Poneman and Marci Shimoff's 2016 Year of Miracles community. Debra described it in 1 word: "UNBELIEVABLE!!!"

There were several hundred people from 34 countries participating in synchronistic spontaneity with a group focus on Miracles.

The energy was incredibly expanded and cohesive.

Ideal for your daily mediation practice. You will want to experience this over and over again. The energy and benefits build and refine with each playing.


- Develop Your Intuition

- Soothe Your Nerves

- Manage The Chaos Of Your Emotions

- Completely Release Attachments

- Free Up Stuck Energy And Welcome The Flow Of Abundance

- Turn Chaos Into Coherence

- Relax And Heal

- Dis-Entangle From Distress, Distortion, & Disharmony

- Share The Mindful Vision Of Unity And Oneness

- Open Your Heart And Let Love In

- Be Free To Be Your True Self

..and so much more!!

This music is not prescriptive - it is about you having your own, unique, authentic experience based on your intention and awakening to your true self.

Music is the universal language and all of this music offers a harmonious space for personal awareness, inquiry, meditation, contemplation, integration.

We invite you to experience the music with an open mind and an open heart.

The music engages the emotions for awareness and clearing of negativity and additionally offers a vibrational model of you in your perfect state.

41 minutes 32 seconds long

How to Use

First, it is important to establish a clear intentionality. When you listen to the music be aware of where the sounds resonate in the body. Be aware of how the music affects your emotions and moods.

When the music completes, sit in silence for 10-15 minutes of more for integration.

Listen as often as you like.

The resonance builds with each experience.

I suggest listening regularly - five days a week, one or more times per day and then having two days off for processing and integration. Allow yourself to stay grounded and resonate with the earths core as you discover your souls path.

This is music created to help you to discover and clear the blocks that are in the way. Breathe the music in. Sometimes there are passages that dance. This creates movement along a sonic pathway for the energy to ultimately clear. Some passages have a slightly offset rhythm to help to loosen fixed patterns. Other passages are majestic and profound.

This is your initiation to yourself your coronation your celebration of being alive. Allow yourself to receive. There are choirs of voices that welcome you home.

Listen to a Sample!


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5-21-16 HOL YOM Miracle JimOliverMusic.mp3


$100       $19.99

From Debra Poneman about the Your Year of Miracles May 21, 2016 Harmonies of Light Music and Color Livestream Event: "UNBELEIVABLE!!!"

Your compositions significantly lower EEG vibrations, taking listeners to low alpha and/or theta frequencies. These brain frequencies are perfect for introducing new thoughts into consciousness

Dr. Bruce Lipton, world renowned speaker, developmental biologist and best-selling author of The Biology of Belief and The Honeymoon Effect, likes to listen to Jim's music while writing. He finds it to be also calming and intellectually energizing. When I asked Bruce how I could be the most effective with my music he said "I just play music Jim".

"The authenticity, depth, and sincerity of Jim Oliver and his transformational music blows me away time and time again! It is with immense appreciation that I receive the pure and divine quality contained within the frequency transmission offered in his ever expansive, empowering sharings. If you are ready to remember who you are and invite that remembrance into your heart, don't hesitate! I highly encourage you to feel, integrate, and experience the power and brilliance contained within Jim's music. Your soul will be eternally grateful, as is mine." -Cari Murphy, International Best Selling Author and Award Winning Host of "The Cari Murphy Show" and Soul Success Coach

"Jim Oliver's music is unlike anything you've ever heard before. You don't listen to this music, you experience it. In fact, every cell of your body experiences it. It creates coherence in your brain and opens you to an influx of light, love and deep peace. I truly believe this music is a technique for spiritual awakening. I use Jim's music as the background for the meditations I lead for audiences around the world and I know that it significantly enhances everyone's experience."
I am counting the days until September 27th. (Harmonies of Light Red Moon Eclipse Livestreaming Event.) I can't even imagine the power of this music coupled with harmonically coordinated color. Just the thought of it takes my breath away.
Debra Poneman best-selling author and Founder of Yes to Success Seminars, Inc.

Jim Oliver's celestial, otherworldly music takes us from the mundane to the magnificent. He touches our soul and guides us into our true nature of being, which is bliss consciousness. Susan Shumsky

About the Harmonies of Light Music and Color Summer Solstice June 20, 2016 Livestream: I loved it. It was so beautiful. Thank you so much. The music was gorgeous !!! exquisite !!!!

"Good Morning Jim. This offering is deeply moving. I am not sure I can find adequate words to describe my experience. I found myself swimming in the light, feeling energies within supported and activated with greater loving energies of co-creation. It was cellular. Deeply activating a range of emotions from tears of gratitude to empowerment. I felt the divinity within you flowing as an expression of light and love and as a reflection to join the divinity within and of oneness. Thank you! It truly is a gift. May your day be filled with joy."
-Jeanine Thompson - Personal Growth Catalyst

From KENJI KUMARA after experiencing Jim's recent Harmonies of Light:
"Jim Oliver's Harmonies of Light Solstice live stream is simply outstanding and of the highest order. His music continues to amaze me - the depth, quality, resonance and purity are superior to anything I have heard in the industry. His commitment, dedication and light and sound application are admirable and unique. Jim is a pioneer in the field of holistic healing music and his creativity is just amazing. I recommend his music CDs to anyone who wants to experience and embrace his transcendental and transformative state-of-the-art quantum music. Thanks Jim for being you!
Note: Jim explains in an extraordinary way, the quantum harmonics of light and sound of his music.
-Kenji Kumara, M.A. Quantum Lightweaving, Ashville, NC

From KENJI KUMARA after experiencing Jim's music:
"Bravo Jim. A splendid and marvelous musical experience of the highest level. A beautiful journey into the inner worlds of deep serenity and peace. I loved the clarity and crispness of the tones, layered with many levels of possibility and potential. Thank you from my heart for a blessed journey of Light and Sound. It took me about 45 minutes to come back. Still feeling the effects". -Kenji Kumara, Ashville, NC

Tonight's Harmonies of Light was transformative. Old patterns kept arising and moved through. Felt like dozens! Thank You!! -Shelly

Thank you for the wonderful, amazing, healing, inspiring, breath-taking music you produce and for the utter light-giving genius you bring to this world.
Such a journey for me.

Jim. it was exquisite, sacred and expansive while packing a real punch of energetic ignition!