Disconnecting from Mind Control

Michelle Carter


If you've watched The Matrix then this audio is for you! Disconnect from Matrix


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Full Description

This audio really is for everyone! There is so much mind programming going on in the world:

-Programming by society, religions, families and groups of people

-Programming from the media and TV

-Subliminal programming hidden in images and symbols

-Matrix and grids that keep us stuck in repetitive patterns that we can't break free from


When need to disconnect from all mind programming to be and feel totally free and live in freedom!

Disconnecting from all mind programming gives us back our free choice and our personal freedom. When enough people do this then the global matrix will weaken and the whole world will be freeing to live in Love, Light, Peace and Harmony.

-Claim back your power, free choice and freedom!

-Feel your heart and soul connection

-Live through your feelings without the mind chatter and destructive thoughts constantly pop up

-Feel peace and stillness in your mind

-Escape the hamster wheel of never ending mind chatter, anxiety, worry, fear and negative patterns!


The audio will disconnect you from:

-Mind Control
-Mind Programs
-Conscious and Unconscious Mind Programming
-Subliminal Programming
-Hidden energies in your mind, connecting to and affecting your mind

If you are aware of all the mind programming that we are being subjected to then you really don't need to be told why you need this audio, you will be celebrating that you have found it!

'Peace comes from freedom and freedom comes from feeling and knowing the Truth and having Free Choice.'

The amount of mind programming and control that is affecting us on a daily basis is huge and there are plans to increase this mind control with human implants and micro chip devices.

We need to value our freedom and right to free choice and disconnect from all mind control and say no to all future planned mind control and programming.

The world will never be in peace and harmony when the majority are being controlled and we have no true freedom.


Main track with two 'echo' tracks fading into and out of your left and right headphones.

Silent several layers of silent multi-layering backing tracks to ensure you don't feel any symptoms as the disconnecting work is being done.

Audio - mp3 download, Length: Approx 10 mins

How to Use

Listen ONCE first to see how you react to the powerful energy work.

Some people may have a strong reaction, others may feel fine.

Follow your intuition and how you feel for how often to listen or email your PureLight receipt to info@michellecarter.co.uk for full listening instructions.


Don't listen when driving or needing your full focus. You may feel light headed or dizzy as energy leaves your mind and head.


Disconnecting from Mind Control - Oct 2019.mp3



I really recommend this audio to anyone who is ready to unplug!!!!

Mandy Simpson on Feb 21, 2018
I am really grateful for the Disconnecting from Mind Control Michelle!
The support you give with this product is so helpful! The reminders and emails on how best to use it are really handy!
I had pretty much all the releasing symptoms you mentioned, and most of them are what I experience rather often. It makes sense that they were Mind Control Symptoms!
I really recommend this audio to anyone who is ready to unplug!!!!

Marie-Annick on Jun 28, 2017
Michelle's recordings are definitely divinely inspired because they allow for transcendence to take place "easily". You just have to take the decision to step into your new reality, but this should be a #1 tool for anyone who wants to move on into being the best version of themselves! May it be a solo recording for disconnecting from fear or from mind control or the Empath package, they are all wonderfully encoded with the highest possible vibes of self love and unconditional love!

Jill on Apr 18, 2017
This audio is so amazing. I believe it erased a lot of programming I had from a high controlled religion I use to be a part of. I also been fooled by ones who I thought were of the light and this audio clearly makes me see and feel the difference between light and dark. It makes me see the true colors in people. If anyone wants to wake up more and see what the difference between light and dark , or perhaps had some deep programming like I did with religion I guaranteed you will be happy with this one. Thumbs up for another brilliant audio.

Kimber on Apr 18, 2017
This audio has really helped me break free of the run away 'monkey mind' and bring so much more peace to my world. Feels wonderful to have better focus & productivity. There really is so much going on through many layers that keeps us from truly experiencing Pure connection and Peace, this audio goes a long way in getting rid of it! Like everything, it is a process but I feel so much better now that I have been using this audio.

Anonymous on Aug 21, 2017
I feel amazing after listening to this audio. I believe that it has helped alleviate the anxiety part of my OCD.