Pure Relaxation

Michelle Carter

Sleep & Stress Release

Feel amazing peace & stillness with a calm & still mind


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Full Description

Feel Amazing Peace & Stillness

Have a Calm & Still Mind

Feel Stillness Flow Through Your From Head to Toe!

You Have to Feel this Experience!


Finding words to describe this audio is hard because it takes you into a state of feeling that most people don't feel and experience, but you all want to know what Pure Relaxation is like so here goes!

The energy work starts by filling your mind with Pure Peace and Stillness and I flow a lot of energy to your mind so that you are feeling calm and stillness in your mind before I start to flow Pure Peace and Stillness through the rest of your body from head to toe.

You can read about this flow of Pure Peace and Stillness and sometimes Pure Love through your body below under 'About the Audio.'

If you are still awake at the end of the audio then you will feel blissfully calm with such stillness and peace in your mind, it's like you don't have a care in the world, you just feel indescribably amazing!

Pure Relaxation is best used before bed time, because you could well fall asleep! or when you would like to really switch off and de-stress. It can also be used instead of meditation audios to really help you tune into feeling and can be used to help you feel energy more.


Well the short answer to that is anyone and everyone! It will really help anyone with:

-Hectic busy lifestyles
-High Pressure Jobs
-Parent's with Deadlines and Juggling Events
-Feeling Stressed, Depressed or Despair
-Awakening and Feeling Shock
-Sleep Issues
-Overactive Minds


This audio includes the following energy work:

-Pure Peace & Stillness to Your Mind

-Releasing Stress from Your Mind

-Pure Peace & Stillness to Your Eyes, Nose, Ears & Throat

-Pure Love to Your Expression & Communication

-Pure Stillness to Your Neck & Shoulders

-Pure Stillness to Feelings of being Burdened & Overwhelmed

-Pure Stillness to Your Arms, Elbows, Wrists, Hands

-Pure Love & Stillness to Your Mind, Body, Spirit & Energy Field

-Pure Stillness to Your Chest, Heart, Stomach Area & Pelvis

-Pure Stillness to All Organs & Cells in Your Body

-Pure Love & Stillness through Your Spine

-Pure Love & Stillness to Your Legs, Knees, Ankles & Feet

-Pure Peace & Stillness to You Having a Peaceful Night's Sleep


There is the main track throughout which is filling and flowing Pure Peace and Stillness to your mind and then through the whole of your body from head to toe.

There's also 'echo' of certain words such as Pure Peace, Pure Stillness, Pure Love and Floating to emphasise and add extra Pure energy to these words. This echo flows in and out of the left and right ear when you wear headphones.

This adds extra power to the audio.

The audio has layers of silent backing tracks to:

-Filling with Pure Energies
-Floating Energies
-Clearing releasing energies so you don't feel them

LENGTH: Approx 11 mins

How to Use

Listen ONCE a day maximum when you can lie down, close your eyes and really relax.

Listening through headphones will enhance the experience as there are backing tracks that echo through the left and right headphones.

Listen to a Sample!


WARNING This is very powerful energy work. Please do NOT play or listen to this audio unless you are able to relax and safely fall asleep. May cause drowsiness or cause you to fall asleep. If you over listen to this audio then it will start to release energies and act as a releasing audio rather than relaxation and feel good.


Pure Relaxation.mp3



I have been listening to the Pure Relaxation Audio every night.
The first few nights I struggled to get to sleep after listening, but now I sleep better and for longer, my overactive mind is calmer and I feel really relaxed during the day too.
I love hearing Michelle's soothing voice and sometimes feel so totally relaxed I have fallen asleep while listening.
I love sending love and stillness to my organs, cells and other parts of my body and really feel the energy flowing as each part is acknowledged.
Thank you Michelle for this beautiful audio. - Christine Olby