Ascension 1 & 2 Clearing & Healing

Karen Kan

Clearing Energies

Clear entities, curses, ET's, weapons - Restore body balance, boundaries & more!

$2444       $149.99

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Full Description

This package contains 4 audios:

-Ascension 1 Clearing & Protection Soundless (60min)

-Ascension 1 Clearing & Protection Alpha (15min)

-Ascension 2 Healing & Integration Soundless (60min)

-Ascension 2 Healing & Integration Theta (15min)

Ascension 1 and 2 All-in-Ones are broad-spectrum healing tools that clears deep-seated negative energies and downloads positive energies and morphic fields.

The best part is that they are one of the few programs that get "upgraded" automatically by Dr. Karen Kan (no re-downloading required) so you know you'll always have the latest most powerful and most complete version available.

AS 1 and 2 are for people who:

- are suffering from chronic pain

- are suffering from chronic fatigue

- are suffering from depression, anxiety, panic attacks

- have poor sleep or nightmares

- have a "sick" and unhappy home or workplace

- feel haunted by ghosts or other entities

- feel invaded by others including microorganisms, entities or extraterrestrials

- feel sabotaged and can't get ahead in life

- have poor boundaries and feel everyone else's "stuff"

- have autoimmune issues such as multiple sclerosis, hypothyroid, gluten sensitivity

- want to be able to clear themselves, loved ones, homes and work places etc. of negative energies

- want to increase love, light, financial prosperity

- want to expand their God Team with high vibrational helpers of the highest Love, Light and Truth

- want to expand their healing powers and their Soul vibration

Ascension 1 MP3 is a 15 min. energy healing experience of voice, music and powerful infused energy. The etheric Alpha brainwave music is infused with TOLPAKAN(TM) healing energies to remove negative energies of all types from all time lines and dimensions. This includes releasing ghosts, demons, weapons, implants, cords, contracts, vows, toxins and much more. For a list see below.

Ascension 1 silent is a 60 min. energy infused (no voice, no music) MP3 to be used when sound is inconvenient (at work, while sleeping etc.). It has the same powerful TOLPAKAN(TM) Healing energies as the audio with sound.

The Ascension 2 MP3 15 min. audio has powerful TOLPAKAN(TM) infused energy frequencies with voice and relaxing music to help you heal and integrate. In addition to the healing prayer and directives, there are additional silent energies infused that download positive frequencies and morphic fields including Joy, Peace, essential oils, cosmic frequencies, healthy boundaries, ascension integration etc.

The Ascension 2 silent 60 min. contains all the healing frequencies of the audio but without voice or music so that you can discreetly play it when at work, at the mall or when sleeping.

For a detailed list of benefits, please go to

How to Use

Click PLAY any time, set a positive intention on what you want it to heal, whether it be your pain, sleep, finances or relationships for example, then immerse yourself in this healing for as little as ten minutes a day or all day long for more support.

Active listening is not required although may be beneficial for those who want to know "what" is healing during the TOLPAKAN(TM) healing directives.

Please keep in mind that the MP3's get energetically updated on a regular basis and you don't need to download a new version.

It is recommended to play Ascension 1 & 2 at least once daily for maximum benefit.

Many people opt to play Ascension 1 and 2 on a loop all day long and all night long (often the silent version) for ongoing support and healing.

Make a list of who and what you wish to heal and then focus briefly on this list (read it) once daily and command that Ascension 1 and 2 heal everything and everyone on your list. Source will then decide the best way to do that for you. You can update or change your list at any time.

You can "charge" food, beverage or crystal with the healing frequencies in Ascension 1 and 2. Just play the MP3 and direct it with your mind to the target. It only takes about 9 seconds of "charging". Negative frequencies in food, water or medication etc. can be neutralized by playing Ascension 1 directed to it. Crystals can be cleansed with directing Ascension 1 to it and then programmed for additional high vibrational energy using Ascension 2 with intention.

For more details instructions and FAQs, go to


The sound version contains relaxing music with Alpha and Theta brain waves, so please take care if listening if driving or using dangerous machinery etc. Detoxification symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, minor aches and cold symptoms are uncommon. In the rare event you might experience detoxification symptoms, drinking pure water throughout the day will minimize them. If you experience what you think are severe detox symptoms, simply direct Ascension 1 and 2 to heal whatever it is causing you to "need" to experience detox symptoms.




AS1 AllinOne Clearing and Protection 15 (Alpha).mp3

AS2 AllinOne Healing and Integrating 15 (Theta).mp3

$2444       $149.99

"Three weeks of happy!!!"
"I have been using the silent soundness MP3 when I get back home from work. The MP3 is strategically played at a time where my energy gets low. I have been using it since Monday. It actually helps me be and stay in my happy energy and in a peaceful state. It assists me in releasing negativity from the day and allows me to focus on myself and being happy. I love this MP3. I am going to see what happens if I loop it for all day Saturday and Sunday!!! Thank you. The MP3 is a gift right now. I am celebrating 3 consecutive weeks of staying happy!!!!!!"
~ Sandhya D. Srivastava

"Repels Toxic People!"
"What I have found to be the biggest difference with playing this audio is an immense calming effect - in short 'the calm amidst the storm.' I found myself in a situation where I was surrounded by toxic people and it helped create a "bubble" of incredible sense of calm and relaxation. Interestingly enough, the 'toxic people' stopped coming around!"
~ Jen Burns

"Nightmares gone!"
"I've been using Karen Kan's MP3 for a while now and I love it! The reason I was interested in the MP3 was because my dreams often turned ominous, like in a horror movie where things are going along just fine but then the lighting changes and the soundtrack changes and you know something bad is about to happen. My Higher Self and Guides woke me up before the dreams shifted totally into nightmares (by nightmares I mean I was being attacked/implanted) but I wanted to take it a step further and address the reason why my dreams turned into nightmares in the first place.

Since listening to the recording the past month, I've only had one dream that started to go bad. Prior to using the recording it happened 3-5 times a week, sometimes nightly. This has been a big change for me and I appreciate it! I am also sleeping through the night better, instead of waking up and going back to sleep repeatedly. I feel like my sleep is deeper and better quality as a result. Thank you!"
~ Linda Oneness

"My 7 year old's 'monsters' are gone!"
"I'm on holiday and have nothing but my phone. But my 7 year old daughter felt a monster in her head at bedtime. She was crying, and screaming. I put a Y-Age Aeon phototherapy patch on her neck, Silent Night patch on her foot, I sang to her and her sister told stories -
nothing helped. Finally I turned the music on. And she calmed down and fell asleep within two minutes!! And she had a quiet sleep - no nightmares unlike the two nights before when she was screaming and shouting!
I must say it works wonders on my daughter. I have played the music for 3 nights at bedtime, and she has, all by herself, taken off her clothing and started brushing her teeth. That never happens - normally she runs around doing anything else. And yesterday she was very sad, and she cried and was unhappy, but again in a couple of minutes (after playing the MP3) she was happy again. Great tool. Thanks.
~ Hanne-Meisler Christensen

"I went from being a broke college kid to landing a $1000 job in one week!"
"I was broke. Being a Millennial in college, I really needed to manifest some money fast, but had few ideas and not a lot of good leads. Dr. Karen suggested that I use the Ascension product targeted towards my money and prosperity blocks. I used it daily for a week and not only did I successfully manifest a $1000 job within that week, I got a couple more in the works. And these are NOT the usual menial jobs flipping burgers that so many people my age end up with. In these jobs, I actually get to utilize a specific skillset that I enjoy and am good at in order to help these companies grow their businesses - and as a side benefit, I get to learn more about marketing for when Im ready to launch my own business. It's a win-win! You should definitely give this energy healing stuff a whirl. I was skeptical, but it really works!"
~ Jacob Kent