Attracting Your Vibrational Match

Vandana Atara Aura


Attract a vibrational match with ease & grace


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Full Description

This class & Divine Light healing transmission helps us to align with the new earth energies of truth, transparency & oneness. When we do, we create infinite space for new and higher vibrational matches to show up on the new 5D earth as if by magic!

Use this audio to:

-Raise your vibrational resonance to meet your soul mate, soul groups & soul family

-Know when to stay or when to walk away from old relationships

-Trust your heart & gut to help you naturally attract safe connections with others

-Know how to honor & respect your personal boundaries with your friends & family

-Befriend & connect with your higher self, I AM Presence & inner child


-Release self-doubts & cellular trauma from past relationships so you can attract vibrationally compatible partners, lovers & friends.

-Elevate your vibrational frequency so you can attract your ideal partner, career, or relationships at accelerated speed.

-You'll also receive accelerated light quantum attunements to transmit clear signals to the vibrational universe & magnetize amazing support systems, new clients & golden opportunities that you are worthy of.

Everything has its own vibrational frequency even our thoughts & feelings. We energetically entrain our vibrational state all the time.

This includes your career path, ways of earning income, friendships, family relationships, partnerships, businesses, lovers, and marriages.

If you're not vibing with the same people you used to vibrate with, should you stay, try to change them, change yourself, or move on and try to meet someone who you can vibe with with ease & grace?

In this audio, Vandana transmits ascension codes & harmonic frequencies to help us remember that it's ok to let go of the old 3D paradigms & energies that no longer serve us.

This sacred soul journey contains 103 minutes of teachings, Divine light transmissions, cosmic code clearings & energetic re-sets


Vandana embodies the Divine feminine frequencies of Christed light through her soothing voice, open heart & tender touch.

Her Divine healing intervention team & doctors of divinity can be felt, seen & experienced through her body, eyes, aura & healing touch when you are in her presence.

Vandana was gifted ascension keys & codes during the paradigm shift in December 2012 to help usher in the new energies of unity, community & 5D living with ease & grace!

How to Use

Listen to this mp3 anytime & anywhere.

Remember to unplug & disconnect from electronic devices & to find a private space to lie down, open & relax your brain, body & nervous system.


Do not listen to this recording while multi-tasking, driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery.


Attracting your Vibrational Match.mp3



"Hi Vandana, Thank you so much for our session last week. I had a couple of ropey days feeling low and irritable but after having a look at the notes at the weekend I wrote out a massive list of RICH clearings from the session and stuff that came up from it. So appropriate to my reality at least my reality last week! Everything you said was pure gold! I have recorded them on my phone and listened 3 or 4 times...WOW feeling good...much lighter! I listened last night just before sleep and felt a bit too buzzy to sleep! Just letting it all integrate now! Love Liz" ~ Liz Temple

"Dear Vandana, You truly are a Healing Goddess. I am thankful to you and your spirit. I hope your message gets out into the world, to bigger and broader masses. Ive been on several calls with you and trust me when I say I have found profound relief to many old and new ailments. Your guided meditations are spontaneous and just phenomenal, they carry so much power. Everyone should have access to them. Thank you for your loving and devotional work through RICH Healing and all that you do! Asha" ~ Araceli

"Just wanted to thank you for the ancestral clearing workshop. Wow that was quite a ride with the ancestors.I had no idea what to expect, but was guided to do this one. How amazing to wake up the next day with a cup of coffee, playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata on the piano, and crying my heart out. I could feel the purist of love through the ancestral lineage. Felt as if this was one of the reasons for my being here in the lifetime. You have been gifting so many people and I cant thank you enough. I decided it is time to show the unseen. This is what was seen following your powerful divine detox activation. I listened to the divine detox activation several times over. I was just going through your meditation following along concentrating on your voice. This was amazing and I thank you, Vandana, from the bottom of my heart!" ~ Tanya Au