Moonchild's Dream

Steven North


Balance your feminine & masculine energy, and gain clarity on your life path


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Full Description

Moonchild's Dream is about the female warrior and it aids with the balance of the feminine in both men and women. It is about knowing your life path more than anything and you cannot achieve this if you are not balanced.

Here are some of the benefits of listening to Moonchild's Dream:

- Assisting with the recovery of depression

- Healing of emotional wounds

- Cleansing of the bioenergy field (aura)

- Opening the heart to unconditional love

- Embodying the Light of Consciousness

- Supports continuous personal growth

- Aids with success, spirituality and creativity

- Inspiration to walk the life path without conformity

- Balance of the feminine

- Apache warrioress connection

This audio contains crystalline frequencies and binaural beats.

Crystalline frequencies:
Onyx - Archangel Michael, Clear Quartz, Sodalite and Satyaloka Quartz

Binaural Frequency:
The Binaural Frequency found within this track is 183.58 Hz which is the frequency that is associated with Jupiter. It helps support continuous personal growth, success, spirituality, creativity and justice.

When you listen to this track think about your purpose in life.

Jupiter has a rotation time of a little less than 12 years and oscillates in the 36th octave with F# of 183.58 Hz.

The corresponding colour is a red with a wavelength of about 740 Nanometers. Jupiter is the largest of all planets and is situated right in the middle of the presently known planets. Jupiter is traditionally associated with Sagittarius.

Generosity, continuity, magnanimity and joviality are characteristic of Jupiter. It stands for philosophical and material creativity.

Moonchild's Dream is a song that is devoted to one of Steven's guides. The name Moonchild inspires freedom of the path and not walking in conformity. Steven and Moonchild share a past life connect.

Moonchild is an indigenous guide from the Apache tribe and is meant to keep Steven on his path. She is kind in heart but fierce in spirit, a warrior energy and yet very soft at times too, nurturing and has black hair with a painted face at times. Moonchild is both masculine and feminine and she is a strong symbol of balance.

How to Use

You may use headphones or not.

With headphones:
If you play it using headphones it will focus on you, the individual. This is recommended to gain the greater benefits of the song but it is not important.

Without headphones:
Play the music in your home and it will create "sacred space" immediately. You can listen to it on a stereo and it'll reconstruct the space: instant sacred space is created; instant space clearing.

If you play it on a stereo it goes through all dimensions and all realms at the same time.

Play it in a public space and every person's consciousness will be impacted. This track was once played in a hotel and the entire hotel felt like walking through a cloud.

Use this song in your healing sessions to enhance them and incorporate them.

Listen to a Sample!


Not recommended to use whilst driving. There have been clients advise that they have been emotional while & after listening.


Moonchild's Dream (Heart Activation Music) - Steven NOrth.mp3

