Dissolve All Threats

Kimberly McGeorge

Clearing Energies

Dissolve and remove all energetic assaults against your home and body!

$24       $9.99

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Full Description

The fact is, sometimes a house doesn't sell or depression reigns in a house or office that has not been cleared. It's best to start with a clear and clean slate, and then go from there if there are still issues.

This audio includes MANY MORE than the following frequencies but here are a few:

-Cloak my home and property
-Close open ended portals
-Attract positive sentient be-ings.

Okay, who wouldn't want even just these 3 things and we have 8 more!

We have seen dramatic shifts in people's feelings of safety and security by having this track and using it regularly!

After spending much of my life working with paranormal teams, we created many tracks to leave with our clients after an investigation or house or land clearing.

We find it is empowering to be able to "clear" or dissolve energies on your own. Once you gain the confidence by using tools like this one, you can learn to sense and remove energies on your own.

This audio is based off one of our panels of frequencies that we have crafted for use with our app, Energy ReMastered, NOW available to YOU for home use.

We are famous all over the world for being pioneers in energy medicine and frequency work. I have over 18 years of experience with JUST frequency technology alone. We know frequency.

How to Use

Play as needed or play as prevention.

NONE of our tracks can be overplayed or build up any negative imbalance in energy.

They are all coded to pick what is needed to be dispersed at the time.

You MAY play this in your car and we encourage this to dispel negative energies.

You MAY play this while driving.

Play in homes, offices or areas you would like the energy to shift rapidly.

Listen to a Sample!


There are no cautions for this track Other than, don't play if you don't want clean and beautiful spaces!


Dissolve all Threats - 4:14:18, 9.10 AM.mp3


$24       $9.99

I wouldn't be without Kimberly's spiritual clearing tracks.
They have made a phenomenal difference in our home and property.
She is incredible at clearing spaces, land and homes at a distance and this is a mini Kimberly genie in a bottle!
Linda Schrader
Chicago, IL

Better than carrying any sort of protection. Just eliminate to begin with.
My children like this as they feel safe going to sleep.
John Abbadangela
Long Island, NY

"Dr. K's frequencies ROCK. I have NEVER experienced the type of changes that happen when listening to these tracks. These are brilliant. "
-John D. Lewisville, NC

"Kimberly and her team are the real deal when it comes to energy and frequency healing!" -Nancy Charade

"Kimberly's abilities are so high level and her frequency tracks are the same way. Instantly I can feel the frequencies flow through me and peace, love, no anxiety and much more happen right away." -Darlene O. Outerbanks, NC

"I just felt all the angst I was feeling just melt away....Thank you SO much!!" -Stacy E, Nebraska

"Kimberly McGeorge has the ability to change your vibration instantly and raise it, I experienced her work first hand and it's life ALTERING! You're in for a treat......EXPECT TO FEEL THE POWER." -Gabbi Taube

"Just listening to two of your MP3s daily has completely changed every area of my life including my relationship with my boyfriend, my money flow and my ability to manifest. AMAZING." -Gina Jackson, WY

"[Kimberly] incorporates the highest vibrations into all aspects of her work. She is truly a gift of light." -Brianna Miracle, Denver, CO - Psychic Medium

"I have never experienced energy work that has cut to my core so quickly and allowed me to release so much resistance to moving into my abundance and power than the work of Kimberly McGeorge." -Laura Dillard