Lumina Iubririi - The Light of Love

Steven North

Sleep & Stress Release

Enjoy deep relaxation & pain relief with crystal frequencies and Light-in-Sound

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Full Description

Lumina Iubirii is Romanian for The Light of Love, and this audio is just that.

Using a 0.5 Hz Delta frequency apparently helps with Detoxification and is a Whole brain toner. It is very relaxing, especially to the lower back and head.

The 0.5 Hz Delta frequency has claimed to help:

- Ease headaches
- Ease migraines
- Soothe Backache
- Energize the thyroid
- Heal the reproductive organs
- Stimulate excretory functions

...and a heck of a lot more

This audio includes the consciousness of Lakshmi, Vishnu, Maitreya & Amy for that that are wishing to dive into the light spectrums within the music as the Heart Activation Music is a "Light in Sound" therapy.

We're using the frequencies of Amethyst & Clear Quartz which is how the light comes through the sound waves.

How to Use

Use headphones as we're using Delta wave frequencies to induce a deep trance, to slow the brain down.

This song is devoted to bringing in stillness for the mind with the beautiful Delta Waves.

Listen to a Sample!


Do not drive at all using this audio, it is designed to focus the mind on nothing but stillness.


lumina iubirii1555244970339.mp3


$30       $12.99