Addictions-Be-Gone Healing Elixir

Karen Kan

Emotional Issues

Turn down your addiction symptoms with this healing elixir charging formula

$155       $49.99

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Full Description

This Elixir will heal underlying imbalances contributing to your addictive behavior, layer by layer, including issues pertaining to alternate lives (eg. Past lives). This is a powerful, multilayered healing program targeting the top issues causing addiction symptoms.

The frequencies on this audio will help:

- heal your gut microbes (microbiome)

- balance your brain chemicals and hormones

- release certain allergies and intolerances

- turn down your sensitivity to outside negativity

Not only will you be healing the underlying imbalances contributing to addictive tendencies, you'll also receive downloads and activations of positive frequencies and morphic fields to support you in becoming addiction-free.

Unbeknownst to most, addictions are common. The Addictions-Be-Gone healing elixir is designed to help heal the underlying imbalances causing your addictions and cravings. This is a powerful, multilayered healing program targeting the top issues causing addiction symptoms.

Addictions aren't about will power. Sensitive people can get cravings just by being in a presence of a low vibrational person or entity. Weak boundaries can cause energetic overload on our systems and it is natural to turn to something (an addiction) to try to drown out the noise.

With today's toxic environment, many people have imbalances in their digestive system including their microbiome (think your naturally occurring probiotics). There are literally trillions of these microbes living in our gut and we depend on them for proper digestion and nutrition. If your microbiome is unhappy and you have an overgrowth of the bad microbes, their signals can cause you to overeat sugar, carbs, and alcohol so they can be fed.

For best results use for at least 21 days (does not need to be in a row) and intermittently thereafter as needed.

Please note: certain emotions may arise and cravings may increase temporarily as the clearing is taking place, so be kind to yourself and drink plenty of pure water.

This MP3 includes music and talking.

Once you've listened to the entire audio once, you can then play it, charge your water and do other things. It isn't necessary to continue listening intently to the TOLPAKAN Healing Directives unless you wish to do so.

This healing MP3 gets auto-upgraded when Source-guided, however you never have to re-download it to reap the benefits of the higher energy infusion!

How to Use

Use this Addictions-be-Gone Healing Elixir MP3 once daily and for at least 21 days (does not have to be in a row) for optimal results.

After you feel your addictions released, it is a good idea to use this as a booster when you need it such as when travelling, visiting family or other stressful situations.

Option #1 - Charge anything with water that you plan to drink (or bathe in) by:

1. Pressing PLAY on the MP3

2. Focusing your attention on the target water for 3 seconds (you can even look at it in your mind)

3. Wait 9 seconds for the MP3 to infuse the water with frequencies

4. Your Elixir is now charged and ready!

Option #2 You can play the MP3 and using your mind, DIRECT it to yourself. You press play on the MP3 and ask or command it to heal you.

Healing Elixir FAQs

How often should I use it?

It is recommended to use it at least once daily. Some people intuitively feel they would benefit from using it more often so thats fine too. Continue using it at least once daily until you feel maximum results/benefit.

Can I drink the Elixir and direct the energy to myself?

Yes, absolutely! Some people would definitely benefit from doing both. Feel free to do both if you like.

Will I get detox symptoms?

Detox symptoms are possible, but rare because part of the healing requests that detox symptoms be kept to a minimum. However, it is possible for some people who have an unconscious need to detox to experience slight fatigue, pain, swelling or emotional shifts. Usually these are self-limiting and drinking plenty of pure water and getting enough sleep will eliminate them quickly.

Listen to a Sample!


This may cause detox symptoms and are usually self-limiting. Keeping hydrated and getting enough sleep is always helpful. The music can be relaxing so use with caution while driving and do not use while operating dangerous machinery etc.




$155       $49.99

Helped my sugar and carb cravings!

My issue is eating daily large quantities of sugar and "carbs. At some days it could be the only food I eat. Hence my aim was to dial down my cravings for sugar and carbs and to eat a more balanced diet. I have been listening to the mp3 for a week now and can testify to following improvements: I am more aware of the foods I eat. I am eating more fresh food and seem to be craving less for sugar and carbs. I am happy with my result so far and plan to continue working with the mp3. I would like to suggest to give it a try =)
~ Liisa L.

My caffeine and sugar addiction is 50% better after 1 week

My addiction to small iced cappuccinos went down from 2-3/day to 0-1/day. I feel full and I don't drink all of it like I used to. My addiction to 2 cans of Pepsi/day has gone from 2 cans to 0-1 can/day. So there was an unexpected bonus to listening to this mp3, my addiction to caffeine and sugar has diminished, which is great. I also seem to be drinking more water.
~ M.J.K

Im automatically eating less processed food and more vegetables!

My father was an alcoholic and I suffered from bulimia for 20+ years. I have done many modalities to clear and release this addiction successfully, but there was always the underpinning of fear of relapsing. It was like a ghost haunting me all the time. Although it seemed like the food addiction was released, there were still energetic patterns of addiction hanging on, like working too much, helping too much, thinking too much etc. so there was still the feeling of "too much" of the unhealthy stuff still looping around in my energy field.

The first time I listened to the MP3, I felt a wave of energy from my head into the pit of my gut, and then I felt a huge release of weight being lifted off my back. That was one of the few times that I felt a deep sense of peace within. The second day the release was bigger as I kept on yawning nonstop, breathing deeply, then a sense of peace ensued again. The MP3 was so effective that it also led me to discover that I was also addicted to LACK AND LIMITATIONS that's why I was always on overdrive. This was a huge relief for me. The remaining days I put the MP3 on repeat, and I have noticed that I feel so much calmer and sleep so much deeper.

I also noticed that I don't eat much processed food as before and I have also shifted to eating more veggies quite automatically. My levels of self-acceptance and self-confidence have greatly improved. As I keep on listening to the MP3, I am still looking forward to further shifts in my energy and I plan to play it on loop without any sound and experiment on my father to clear his depression. I am sure it will help the same way it greatly assisted me.

Thank you very much Dr. Karen Kan. Sending you so much love and gratitude from my heart. Keep on shining your light to all of us!
~ Teresa

Cured my bad sugar addiction

I continue to have good results from listening to Dr. Karens MP3 for addictions. I have a bad sugar addiction, so I listened with the intention to rid myself of this problem. I saw a BIG improvement even after the first time I listened to it. My wife placed chocolate cookies in front of me after dinner. My first thought was oh good but before I could even move my hand the thought changed to No, I dont need those.

It has been a week now and I still have no craving for sugar. There have been no side effects other than I have an increased awareness of what Im eating. Thank You.
~ Raymond Cook

My intuition is clearer and little miracles are happening!

In our family it was like second nature to take on other people's trauma and attempt to heal them. Being overall the most empathic, the energy would usually flow more to me. Being sensitive & highly intuitive is really a gift, yet it can be a delicate balance to master. Fortunately it's time has come. Even in a weeks time the Addictions-Be-Gone MP3 has been very effective to shift deeper layers of empathy into compassion instead of taking on other peoples stuff or do their healing for them. Im simply being a healing presence.

My intuition is even clearer and more heightened and I only felt very mild to almost no detox symptoms, which was fantastic! I've had some really amazing things open up for me during this time too! Even some family members, who have felt stuck for several months, (some have addictions and one also has dementia), are beginning to experience little miracles and are taking baby steps to move forward, even though they have no idea Ive been using the MP3. It's simply the energy flowing out to them and them receiving it. Many Thanks Dr. Karen!
~ Kristin S (Empath)