Akashic Records Soul Healing

Vandana Atara Aura


Reclaim your soul gifts, advanced knowledge, & Divine wisdom


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Full Description

Travel to the akashic realms in the quantum field of your soul home away from home...that sacred space where you can reclaim your soul gifts, advanced knowledge, & divine wisdom that you've forgotten in this lifetime.

This audio will help you:

-Ease in opening & reading your own akashic records

-Obtain clarity & confidence to access hidden vows & sacred contracts

-Trust your insights, instincts & intuition all the time

-Help others to identify trauma timelines held in the akashic realms

-Re-write your divine destiny with ease & grace

-Merge your soul aspects & claim your multi-dimensional self-mastery & super powers as a divine creator & sovereign soul


-Each time you visit the akashic planes of existence, your psychic & telepathic perceptions accelerate & activate to reclaim your multidimensional mastery.

-This frequency transmission will help you & your ancestors heal, forgive & be forgiven, & return to your natural state of wholeness & well-being.

-You will meet your Akashic record keepers, teachers & legions of light who welcome you to your soul sanctuary where they guide you in how to open, read, & access your soul contracts, vows, oaths, promises & agreements.

-You'll receive the wisdom, clarity & soul guidance to dissolve limiting & non-beneficial karmic agreements, ancestral contracts & binding vows in all timelines, lifetimes & dimensions.

The more you listen, the easier it becomes to unlock & drop density, armor, & heart walls so you can embody the state of grace & the essence of your presence.

This sacred soul journey contains 39 minutes of teachings, Divine light transmissions, cosmic code clearings & energetic re-sets


Vandana embodies the Divine feminine frequencies of Christed light through her soothing voice, open heart & tender touch.

Her Divine healing intervention team & doctors of divinity can be felt, seen & experienced through her body, eyes, aura & healing touch when you are in her presence.

Vandana was gifted ascension keys & codes during the paradigm shift in December 2012 to help usher in the new energies of unity, community & 5D living with ease & grace!

How to Use

Listen in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.

Headphones are not required.

Can be looped while sleeping.

For best results:
Listen before bedtime with headphones in a distraction-free sacred space for ultimate relaxation.

Please rest for a minimum of 2 hours after listening to this akashic light attunement to integrate the higher vibrational frequencies into your brain, heart & nervous system.


Do not listen while driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery.


Accelerated Akashic Light Healing Transmission.mp3



"I discovered Vandana's work recently and she is beyond-phenomena! Many, Many shifts have taken place since I first listened to her transmissions from family clearings, to soul retrievals to deep emotional trauma release and working with the Akashic records. Her gifts are more than I can describe here.

"On the night before a Court Case last month, Vandana was guided to connect with me during an intense night before the Court appearance. I am amazing how she knew I needed support and her guidance was spot on to connect with me at a very low point that night And the most amazing thing I have not even had the pleasure yet of working directly with her, or any of her show packages. I just know that beyond-rapid shifts are occurring just from hearing her voice. So many, many, many blessings since discovering Vandanas work." ~ J.M.N.

"Vandana, Im so grateful to you and the akashic records course! I'm practicing every day & just wanted to share I had a very deep experience on your last call. Im not usually one of those people who falls asleep during energy work but on this call I do so this is very deep! I am always left with lingering images from the Akash and I have a book just for this and keep everything written down. Everyone feels the energy of the akashic readings after your attunements.
It was so palpable how much this energy changes things so quickly. I am finding it amazing how much the inner Akashic Work is flowing into the outer world. If I need to clear something, I just RICH & RACE all over the place. Its brilliant!! Thank you so much! I Love you." ~ Al, WA