Feel YOUR Answer

Debbie Johnson


A tool to show you how AA Michael speaks to you ($47 value!)

$47       $13.99

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Full Description

This guided meditation is a tool to show the listener the way Archangel Michael speaks to you.

You will know what a yes or no answer from Archangel Michael feels like.

How to Use

This meditation can be used as many times as needed.


Do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery.


Feel YOUR Answer Meditation With Archangel Michael.mp3


$47       $13.99

"I am ever so grateful for Debbie Johnson and the incredible gift she brings to this world. I have had profound transformation because of her guidance and am taking BIG action in my life because of her! I am in tears as I write this and in awe of just how powerful, life altering and accurate her work is. I would not hesitate for one second to allow yourself this life changing experience. Debbie is divine; don't miss out! "
-Linda B., Portland

"When I first contacted Debbie my mom had just passed away and my grieving process was very very difficult. My energy was low and I had a constant feeling of oppression everywhere, specially in my soul. After our first session I felt joyous and full of hope, and though my grieving process has not come to an end it comes from a calmer, happier place."
-Andrea, Mexico City

"I'm very thankful that I get to connect with you and your work, because of the love, care and healing I receive in the moments when I need it most. You are sincere and have a deep willingness to help and are very generous with your time. The information I got from my sessions has been of immense value because I was able to take the right actions at right time. Im also thankful for your support and prayers when my daughter broke her arm your response to help was immediate.
"I feel happy that I meet you. You're a light in the moments of darkness."
-Mirella, Switzerland

"Debbie has been able to help all of my dogs with issues my vets haven't been able to see. Me and my gang love her and when we need to re-balance we call her over for Reiki! She is God send!"
-H. Rosen
"I have worked with Debbie several times over the past few years and the experience has been extraordinary. Debbie helped me through a really hard year as I struggled with fertility - she helped me push forward with patience and confidence. In the end, she predicted exactly the number of embryos that would be there in the end - and what would work. It was truly unbelievable. She has also told me things about my life that I never expected to be true that ended up materializing in strange and different ways. I believe she is truly connected to spirits and she calls on them in a way that offers comfort and guidance to her clients. Thank you, Debbie for loving direction and support. I am so grateful."

"I had an amazing reading with Debbie this morning. I was amazed at the people that showed up. My Dad and Grandparents and animals. She was accurate. The angels offered healing on my mother's legs (I did not ask. Thats what makes it amazing.) Archangel Michael cleared a block on my heart and confirmed that my healing gifts are going to open up for animals and people. I do not have the words for over-all healing that took place. I would do this again and will."
-Diane M.

"I've been around amazing psychics my whole life when I was just a little girl, my father used to have friends over who would answer questions I was thinking but never said aloud. It was crazy! Debbie is the real deal with a rare gift. Her readings get straight to the point, and are extremely practical telling you just what you need to know, and what steps to take to make the best of things, all without any spiritual mumbo jumbo or confusing woo-woo fluff. She's also so much fun and warm, and genuinely cares and wants to help. Some of her predictions have utterly blown my mind, and her input always leaves me more relaxed and positive about whatever is next. I highly recommend her."
-Carol Allen, Vedic astrologer and relationship coach