Awaken the Language of Light

Eva Marquez


Remember how to speak Light Language ($33 value!)

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Full Description

Learn to speak the Language of Light! This is a 4-audio package containing the following:

Introduction to program by Eva Marquez and history of the Language of Light (45:35)

During this activation, you will locate the time capsule you had previously recorded for yourself, during the time of ancient Atlantis, to activate the light codes of the Language of Light within you.

All of us who have lived in Atlantis have preserved several time capsules, as well as coded energy into the Earth, crystals, and bodies of water for our future selves. Only you can access your capsule, it radiates a rainbow energy and it will connect with the energy of your physical heart, filling your entire heart chakra, which is a seat for your soul.

During this activation, you will be guided to access one of your past lives that contain full knowledge of who you were, what abilities you had, and what has happened to you (13:01)

During this meditation, you will be guided by Eva to speak in the Language of Light (13:00)

I would like to congratulate you on choosing this journey to awaken the memory of the Language of Light within you!

The Pleiadians and I created this program in four steps to assist you in activating the Language of Light codes within your spiritual and physical body. The first step is to share the history. Next two steps are activations.

During these activations, your heart and its cellular memory will create a conscious connection with your ancient energy from Atlantis, and with your higher self soul energy. Then in last step you will be encouraged to speak the Language of Light and practice your own unique expressions.


The Language of Light is used for soul healing purposes. When your soul heals you can remember:

- the ancient times

- the amazing star nations including the Pleiadians

- magnificent inventions

- your true soul power without fear that we as humanity would self destruct with the knowledge that will be available to us.

Also, miraculous healing of the physical body will be common knowledge and physical immortality a personal choice.


The Language of Light has been with us from the time of our original creation, yet it is something most of us consciously do not understand so it remains a mystery, and the authenticity or origin is speculated. As mentioned in the Book of Enoch and in the Book of Knowledge the Keys of Enoch the Language of Light is the language of the Gods.

The Language of Light cannot be translated word for word; each word carries a different energy. You can repeat the same word and the meaning will change when the energy changes. The Language of Light is a combination of energy, color, sacred geometric shapes, sound and the people who speak it just give it a voice, and they carry its frequency.

It is part of the Language we spoke on the Earth before the language was scrambled during the Sumerian times, when the humans were building the Tower of Babel to be like Gods, so we would lose knowledge of who we truly are and not succeed in building the tower.

All who speaks the Language of Light today, sound very different, depending on our past life incarnations, Earth missions and star nations we came from. We have different dialects and each of us carry a different energy imprint to serve our soul groups.

Now it is your opportunity to awaken the Language of Light within you!

How to Use

For the first time, listen to the introduction, then listen to the audios in order; after that just chose according your preference.

Active listening is required for the first time; afterwards then the audios can be effectively played in the background, but active listing is recommended.

Headphones are not required, but are highly recommended.

Thaddeus music, LuminEssence Productions at


Be safe, and please do not listen to attunement while driving or operating heavy machinery.


1- Introduction - Awakening the Language of Light Within.mp3

2 - Atlantean Rainbow.mp3

3 - Higer Self.mp3

4 - Speaking the Language of Light.mp3

$33       $20.99


When you are intrigued about the Language of Light and have a desire to learn it, it is your soul trying to remind you that you have used this language before. The Language of Light cannot really be learned word for word like we are used to with other languages. It has to be remembered and the memory has to come from your own soul, from your heart. This can be triggered by listening to someone else speaking the Language of Light. I am seeing this happening with my clients in private sessions and hearing stories from starseeds who enjoy my meditations or initiations on YouTube with the Language of Light. Some start speaking it and some draw symbols.

I hope and wish you will enjoy this program as much as I have enjoyed making it. I am proud of you and I am cheering you on every step of your journey! Celebrate to be different and never silence your curiosity. Carry yourself with integrity and treat others the way you would like to be treated. Dalai Lama said, Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. Use your abilities to create happiness for yourself and others.

Love and Light from my heart to yours,
Eva Marquez