Activate Your DNA

Eva Marquez


Language of Light to activate your DNA

$15       $9.99

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Full Description

Activate your DNA with the Language of Light!

DNA activation through the Language of Light will assist you to open and awaken your heart which is a seat for your soul. Your soul then will start reminding you of your soul's starseed memories and connect with your soul family. By making the connection and accepting that you are a starseed you naturally begin to activate your twelve strands of DNA and open the door to regain your natural abilities which are beyond your five basic senses.


-Remembering who you are

-Connecting with your soul family of Light

-Activating your dormant sleeping DNA

-Activating your natural starseed abilities as psychic abilities and self-healing abilities

Your Star-Seed soul has journeyed through countless lifetimes and obtained many emotional scars which manifest as blockages, illnesses, or unexplained behavior in your current life.

The energy of the Language of Light reaches into the soul and surrounds it with the frequency of unconditional love for the purpose of healing. As you are healing your soul, you are activating your soul memories and awakening your original cosmic DNA.


1. Star-Seed awakening Info (6:40)
This audio is about the Star-Seed awakening and what it means to have Star-Seed DNA.

2. What to expect from soul journeys Info and description (11:21)
This is a deeper understanding of the effect of the Language of Light, and contains descriptions of these particular soul healing journeys.

3. Meditation to prepare for a soul healing journey (11:30)
A guided meditation is to open your energy prior to embarking on your soul journey. You can also use it individually at any time to learn how to open your energy.

The last two mp3s are Pleiadian soul healing journeys that will assist you in awaking the true essence of your whole being. Both journeys are recorded in the Language of Light, which is the Universal soul healing language, with the specific intention of soul healing and DNA activation.

4. Remembering, Reconnecting, and Reawakening (22:30)

The Pleiadians will open the door to your soul family, reconnecting with you and assisting you in remembering that being different is a gift, a blessing in disguise. By accepting your gift, the truth that you are different than others, that you are a Star-Seed, and that you have chosen to come into this life to make Earth a better place, you re-awaken your twelve strands of DNA. This allows your flower of life to blossom and thereby unlocks the limitless potential of your own abilities which are beyond your five basic senses.

5. Pleiadian Healing Temple Soul Healing and Rejuvenation (28:12)

The second journey will assist in a deeper soul healing of past traumas so you can begin to utilize your soul memories, your soul power, and your star abilities in your everyday life. Everything about your being is hidden within you, within your DNA and soul healing is an important part in the DNA activation.

On this journey you will soul travel with the Pleiadian beings to Alcyone, which is one of the Seven Sister planets in the Pleiadies Star cluster. Alcyone is a soul healing place. You will travel deep into the mountains until you reach the Pleiadian Healing Temple. The Temple was built on a sacred crystal vortex.

The energy of this vortex is drawn into the Temple and has amplifying healing properties. The Temple also serves as a teleportation portal for benevolent Star Nations who come here to rejuvenate their vessels and to assist their Star-Seeds who have found their way here.

How to Use

When you are ready to enjoy this program for the first time, I recommended listening to the introduction first, then following with the guided mediation of your choice of either soul journeys, or both.

Once you become familiar with the preparation mediation you will be able to enjoy the soul journeys, at any time, without having to first listen to the meditation. Just consciously open your chakras, quiet your mind, and go for it.

Note: Royalty free background music in this Star-Seed awakening, Thaddeus, track Sirius
What to expect from the soul journey, Thaddeus, track Sirius, background music in Meditation mp3 to prepare for the soul healing journey, Thaddeus, track Pleiades. Background in First journey Thaddeus, Track Devine Spark, background music in Second journey, Thaddeus, track Pleiades. LuminEssence Productions at


Be safe, and please do not listen to attunement while driving or operating heavy machinery.


1 - Starseed Awakening - Intro.mp3

2 - What to Expect from Soul Journies.mp3

3 - Meditation to Prepare for Soul Journey.mp3

4 - Remembering, Reconnecting and Reawakening.mp3

5- Pleiadian Healing Temple - Soul Healing and Rejuvenation.mp3

$15       $9.99