Clearing Heart Walls & Shields

Vandana Atara Aura

Emotional Issues

A Divine Light transmission to support you through times of transition & trauma


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Full Description

Open your heart & receive unconditional love from Divine cardiologists, spirit surgeons & doctors of the heart to nurture, comfort & support you through times of transition, trouble & trauma.

This Divine Light illumination fills your heart with pink light, liquid love & benevolent blessings from the company of heaven to heal heart wounds & melt heart walls with Divine ease & holy grace.

Benefits of listening:

-Greater self-love, peace & feelings of joy

-Feeling happier for no particular reason

-Attracting healthier & loving relationships

-Trusting your heart's guidance, wisdom & intuition

-Forgiving yourself & others for past hurts, wounds & mis-understandings

As you lie back & receive heart healing intervention, your angels wrap their wings around your own hearts wings to elevate, uplift & bless you with miraculous healing.


Vandana embodies the Divine feminine frequencies of Christed light through her soothing voice, open heart & tender touch.

Her Divine healing intervention team & doctors of divinity can be felt, seen & experienced through her body, eyes, aura & healing touch when you are in her presence.

Vandana was gifted ascension keys & codes during the paradigm shift in December 2012 to help usher in the new energies of unity, community & 5D living with ease & grace!

How to Use

Listen in a quiet space where you will not be distracted.

Listen once or as often as needed.

You may program this guided journey on a loop or play it on a low volume through the night to release unconscious blocks, stuck points & unresolved trauma held in your solar plexus chakra.

Headphones are not required - however, for best results, listen with headphones before bed time or listen to for your daily meditation rituals. Allow 1-2 hours to rest after listening to process & integrate the high frequencies & accelerated light energies.


Do not listen while driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery.


Item 9 Clearing the Heart.mp3



***My Life Has Become So Much Easier***

"Vandana's Akashic Reading and Accelerated Light Healing Course have been the beginning of a deep change in my life. Her loving, positive support, the rich information she provides, her many easy-to-use tools, even just being in the presence of her kind voice opened the doors for me to break through old blockages and reach a new state of self-awareness. She gave me the courage and the playground to come to a whole new level of mastery, and my life has become so much easier. I now have the tools and processes to handle the problems that show up in daily life, or more precisely, problems have stopped to be problems, but have become experiences and learning processes. Being me starts to feel good, wonderful even - and no doubt that is the greatest gift that anybody can receive from anyone. I can wholeheartedly recommend Vandana as a coach and healer, and I wish her that many many people participate in her programs - with every person stepping into their truth the world will be a brighter place." ~ Astrid

***I Now Have Peace, Deeper Trust and Easy Life***

"Hello Vandana! I would like to THANK YOU for the classes I took. I feeling a difference every time I'm connecting with DHIT. I'm feeling confident, grateful, I'm more connected with my Divine soul. It's bring for me a peace and deeper trust and easy life in this reality. And of course huge support! Thank you again for empowering people!" ~ Elena

***It Feels Like I'm Floating and My Dog No Longer Hides***

"Since our last session together, my body has a very different vibration. It feels like I'm floating in a huge bubble bath. Especially my solar plexus. I've been resting and absorbing all the lovely energy. I'm so happy to have released all the stuff that was clinging on. I knew there was a lot.

The lovely heart based energy you use to remove them with such grace is so beautiful. And my little dog who hides under the bed and was afraid to be alone has suddenly been freed of the energies he hides from. He happily hangs out, sleeps and plays ON my bed now and hasn't been under the bed since my session with you. Thank you for sharing your gift." ~ Janet