Clearing The Abdomen

Vandana Atara Aura


Release all low energies from your stomach, spleen, pancreas & digestive system


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Full Description

This accelerated light-guided meditation works to dissolve density, debris & disempowerment energies from your stomach, spleen, pancreas, intestines & digestive system.

This healing track infuses you with Divine Light, Source Energy & Reiki blessings to clear, create & re-set your mind, body & spirit back to its original blueprint of radiant health & well-being.

Benefits of listening:

-Aids In Acid Reflux, Indigestion & Bloating

-Gentle Release of Mind/Body Toxins

-Increased Energy & Vitality

-Improved Sleep & Appetite

-Deep Relaxation

As you lie back & receive divine healing intervention, you may feel you are being held, nurtured & supported by divine love helping you to let go of painful emotions & uncomfortable feelings that block your joy.


Vandana embodies the Divine feminine frequencies of Christed light through her soothing voice, open heart & tender touch.

Her Divine healing intervention team & doctors of divinity can be felt, seen & experienced through her body, eyes, aura & healing touch when you are in her presence.

Vandana was gifted ascension keys & codes during the paradigm shift in December 2012 to help usher in the new energies of unity, community & 5D living with ease & grace!

How to Use

Listen in a quiet space where you will not be distracted.

Listen once or as often as needed.

You may program this guided journey on a loop or play it on a low volume through the night to release unconscious blocks, stuck points & unresolved trauma held in your solar plexus chakra.

Headphones are not required - however, for best results, listen with headphones before bed time or listen to for your daily meditation rituals. Allow 1-2 hours to rest after listening to process & integrate the high frequencies & accelerated light energies.


Do not listen while driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery.


Item 1 Clearing the Abdomen.mp3



**Aches and Pains All but Gone and Sleeping Full Nights**

Hi Vandana, I am good and continue to benefit from our session together. I have encountered a couple of potentially stressful situations recently and I have coped with them remarkably well compared to the past. I have completely surprised myself as panic and fear have not raised themselves. I have felt very different since our call much more positive and in a state of mind where anything is possible. My aches and pains have all but gone and I've had full nights sleep since Tuesday this has not happened for the past 18 months. And my clothes are starting to feel loose. I am also finding the slightest thing very funny! Thank you. ~ Sue Stephenson, Canada

**I Now Have Peace, Deeper Trust and Easy Life**

"Hello Vandana! I would like to THANK YOU for the classes I took. I feeling a difference every time I'm connecting with DHIT. I'm feeling confident, grateful, I'm more connected with my Divine soul. It's bring for me a peace and deeper trust and easy life in this reality. And of course huge support! Thank you again for empowering people!" ~ Elena

**Your Voice Takes Me Straight to Heaven**

"Vandana, I'm so grateful for your loving presence in my life. Your voice takes me straight to heaven. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You" ~ Maria Sophia Rose