Spirit Animal Meditation

Debbie Johnson


Angelic frequencies to know what spirit animal is helping you now ($47 value!)

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Full Description

What guides us from the other side can change depending on what we are going through.

In this meditation, Angelic frequencies are sent so you can know what Spirit Animal is helping you at this time.

The Angels send us help all the time, this is one of their ways... sending help from Native American Spirit Guides and their "animal medicine".

How to Use

Listen actively; use as often as needed.

Most effective in the mornings and evenings.


Do not use while driving.


Spirit Animal Meditation 6 26 17.mp3


$47       $11.99

"Dearest Debbie,
You have such an amazing ability to communicate to the universe and all the beings. I felt deeply that you tapped into me and was so clear about all of my questions. I felt so uplifted, so joyous, so full of clarity and direction after our conversation. As if all of a sudden the pieces came together and there was a peace and a deeper knowledge of my life. I will recommend you to anyone with an open mind and some need of direction! I am so grateful to you and for everything that you brought me!"
-Laura, Denmark

"I am ever so grateful for Debbie Johnson and the incredible gift she brings to this world. I have had profound transformation because of her guidance and am taking BIG action in my life because of her! I am in tears as I write this and in awe of just how powerful, life altering and accurate her work is. I would not hesitate for one second to allow yourself this life changing experience. Debbie is divine; don't miss out! "
-Linda B., Portland

"When I first contacted Debbie my mom had just passed away and my grieving process was very very difficult. My energy was low and I had a constant feeling of oppression everywhere, specially in my soul. After our first session I felt joyous and full of hope, and though my grieving process has not come to an end it comes from a calmer, happier place."
-Andrea, Mexico City