The Om Mantra (Meditation)

Steven North


Access inner soul wisdom & past life memories and know who you really are


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Full Description

Activate your inner memories!

The Om Mantra was created to assist one with remembering whom they are from within. Many soul names begin with Om or Ah, especially those who are from long ago, before the times of the Earth, before all things remembered.

By meditating on the sound of Om, you can open up a new level of awareness.

Benefits of listening:

-Assists with the recovery of depression

-Healing of emotional wounds

-Cleansing of the bioenergy field (aura)

-Opening the heart to unconditional love

-Embodying the Light of Consciousness

-Repairing DNA

-Brings Transformation

-Activating imagination, intention & intuition

-Activating inner memories

The crystals chosen for this track have been specifically selected to unlock the possibility of accessing inner soul wisdom, past life memories and purification of thoughts.

Tibetans used gongs and singing bowls to clear their energy field before meditation. Gongs assist with the cessation of mental chatter, reducing distractions and bringing a rich and expansive potential of awareness to the now moment.

This magical Elestial Amethyst piece is known as the 'Amy Crystal' as it is Steven's specific crystal that he uses to connect with Amy herself.

Elestial Amethyst is also referred to as "the enchanted crystal and is said to bring the following metaphysical benefits: Shiva, third-eye, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, gazing, brainwave frequencies, communication, and past/future lives.

Helpful for abundance, self-esteem, communication (with plants/minerals), agriculture, "cloud busting", acquisition of riches, speed in attainment, memory, American Indian Power Stone.

It is also helpful for stability; persistence; grounding; manifesting dreams; helps to bring patience & inner calm; enhances all the senses.

Grows in a tabular form and has a thread like line that goes through it. This stone is good expanding consciousness; spiritual connections; relationship connections; internal connections; attuning to Earth's movements, healing the etheric body, remove & repair energy leaks & holes in auric fields, removing attachments or cords from others, assisting with extreme emotional difficulty.

A stone that is helpful for meditation, spiritual development, Atlantis, Mu, Og, Zu, Lemuria, American Indians, ancient tribal cultures, enlightenment, spiritual communications, rejuvenation.

Clear Quartz is used within the Heart Activation Music to store information as it is a great crystal not just to amplify others but to hold code that is embedded in the crystals.

A name that is given to various Quartz stones gathered around the Satyaloka Monastery in Southern India. This stone is helpful for spiritual enlightenment, higher dimensions, pure energy, raises one's vibration.

A stone of order; enhances self-discipline, organisation abilities, releases fear, brings courage & peace, boosts creativity & expression, raises spiritual development, contact with spirit guides & angels, mindfulness, meditation; can assist with clarity; reduces problems associated with a scattered mind & thought process..

Helpful for centering, alignment, grief banishment, good fortune, instincts, yin/yang synthesis, masters of one's future, breastplate stone, also brings properties of Chalcedony.

The pieces used in this music is also attuned to the Archangel Michael as Onyx is one of the stones that holds his vibration extremely well. It is a stone that represents whom he is.

How to Use

Better to use headphones but you can play it anywhere you wish to play.

With headphones:
If you play it using headphones it will focus on you, the individual. This is recommended to gain the greater benefits of the song but it is not important.

Without headphones:
Play the music in your home and it will create "sacred space" immediately. You can listen to it on a stereo and it'll reconstruct the space: instant sacred space is created; instant space clearing.

If you play it on a stereo it goes through all dimensions and all realms at the same time.

Use this track in your healing sessions to enhance them and incorporate them.

You can use it to support your own healing sessions as well as with your clients.

Meditate with this song, the purpose is to assist with remembering soul memories, activating memories.

Listen to a Sample!


Preferably do not use whilst driving. We are utilising the binaural frequency within this song of 528 Hz which is reported to being the frequency of love and aids one with transformation, miracles and DNA Repair.


The OM Mantra (Heart Activation Music) - Steven North.mp3



"Strong white light visuals; great sounds guys. A light I first found with Kundalini Yoga. I am. I will listen to this Mantra many times in the future." - Jody Serafin