Exiting The Matrix

Tamra Oviatt


Raise out of this 3rd dimensional reality into a higher consciousness

$125       $23.99

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Full Description

This activation releases the belief systems around being in the Matrix, as well as the fears of leaving it, so you can be free to choose to do what you really want to. It also disconnects you from the thought processes of group consciousness; i.e. the thoughts and beliefs we are fed of what we should do in life.

Exit the Matrix now, while you're alive. Clear yourself so you never have to reincarnate again!

The Matrix is what fuels our conflict, internal and external. By releasing yourself, you'll achieve a new level of peace and enlightenment ($125 value!).

Tamra's modality is "Sacred Activations"

Sacred Activations work to clear your limiting beliefs from present day, past lives, your genetics and the collective consciousness - even beliefs you may not know you have! After the activation is completed, the energy still works on you, uprooting deeper beliefs that are blocking you.

Activations run approximately 10-15 minutes each; Tamra is mostly silent, except for prompts on where to guide the energy.

Sacred Activations:

- Transmit God's energy, activating your light body, sacred Geometry and DNA

- Release hundreds of beliefs from past, present and future lives, as well as genetics, and the subconsciousness of humanity

- Balance and clear chakras, build Sacred Geometry and repair DNA

- Clear your blocks to money, health, relationship challenges, spirituality, & intuition/psychic abilities

Sacred Activations allows for the clearing out of belief systems of the subconsciousness of humanity so that as a planet we can live in abundance, love, and health, and all with beautiful relationships. Tamra Oviatt works with the Masters to help clear the personal and collective subconscious.

Tamra was given the knowledge of the Sacred Activations by the Creator of all that is and works with many of the unseen Ascended Masters, Angels, Lords, and Light Beings to help raise our vibrations to joy and love.

Thousands of people who use Sacred Activations every day report major changes in their life quickly! When one person disconnects from the collective consciousness, it disconnects tens of thousands more. Sacred Activations works in the subconsciousness of humanity to clear negative belief systems, and in doing so, clears you of blocks that prevent you from realizing your true potential for wealth, love, and success and happiness.

Contains talking with periods of silence, during which Tamra shifts your energy

How to Use

Exit the Matrix activation can be done as much as you want, but be aware it will bring up deep emotions and can become overwhelming; in that case, give yourself a break.

Okay to play on a loop during the day or night (just not while driving or when your full attention is required)

Okay to listen while drifting off to sleep


You may become emotional as your belief systems will surface Do NOT use while driving or operating machinery This audio can make you sleepy or full of energy depending on the individual




$125       $23.99

"I've found sacred activations to be so transformational.
I've bought the sacred activations golden seals package, Standing in My Own Power activation, Allergy deactivation, Digestion activation, Activating My Gifts activation, and I have my eye on many more.
Now I am the type of person that likes trying lots of different things to try to ease my presence in life.
I've never really stuck to things in the past, I would listen to meditations with the beta and alpha frequencies, lots of mediations that were to help me with specific ailments, which were really useful but it felt like I had to constantly do them to find the relief, it would almost be if I hadn't done them I would be feeling anxious and would soon return to my preprogrammed ways.
Sacred activations isnt like that it truly gets to the core, cuts through your limiting subconscious beliefs, I can literally feel the energetic shifts happening within me, and my gosh they can be rather major!! And there's no chance of going back to my preprogrammed ways because that programme has well and truly shifted.
I just feel so blessed to have found my way to knowing about this beautiful work, I no longer feel stuck in my life- I feel like Im more in control of my life I still have a little way to go, but I have so much focus and clarity on how to clear this now (with the absolute help of sacred activations) I hope to be a practitioner in this modality one day- I really want to spread the word- of how sacred activations can greatly positively impact your life and take you to higher and higher heights, shedding the skin of your old ways and beliefs.
I'm just so in love with how free these activations can make people.
Thank you so much Tamra you beautiful being!! Xxxx"
- Ashley

"I've been working with SA since 2012 and my financial life has totally transformed! Which was my initial goal. My business, retirement, and savings have healed, transformed and are completely abundant! Now I'm working with activations again hoping to transform and heal my physical health."
- Caley

I experience Tamra as a great example to healers of being authentic. She is generous with her free activations to heal the world. You can tell she truly wants to make a difference with her offerings and she does.
- Amy

"I attended the First level SA Practitioner training in February. I am amazed at how much was covered in that weekend! After the first night - I was KNOCKED OUT for two straight hours...Already there have been many positive changes in my life. I am eating healthy again, exercising regularly, I have lost the poverty consciousness, and although I cannot say my life is totally healed or all roses, I have regained the confidence and support from above that is needed to live this best life. We are all a work in progress but healing from programs is VITAL to accelerated growth, healing, and vitality to do what you are here to do - whatever that may be."
- Mel