Clearing the Heart

Dawn Crystal


High-frequency source energy that heals the heart, heartbreak & heart walls


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Full Description

This audio sends healing frequencies beyond the conscious realm to clear:

-all parts of the heart including valves & arteries


-heart walls

-scar tissue & inflammation

-ancestral & inherited energy

-low-vibrational energy pertaining to the heart

-anything that is not for your highest good pertaining to your heart

This audio also clears different levels of emotional pain including: depression, negative thoughts, traumas (this life and past lives, blocked energy, ancestral energy, and other people's belief systems.


-All mp3's are downloaded with High Frequency Source Energy that continually clear and heal the body from the inside out.

-Dawn channels Healing Sound Frequencies through her voice to accelerate the healing process in each module.

As simple as putting on your head phones and feeling your pain melt away in a short period of time!
It's a miraculous "new" approach to heal fast! - and completely natural!!!

-Unravels your belief systems from the root cause

-Helps your vital life force energy flow through the body, so your body can heal itself naturally!!!

-Increases energy, vitality and vibrance!

-Helps to regulate your weight naturally

-Helps bring in more abundance flow into your life (more joy, happiness, love, money, etc!)

Additional Benefits:

-Clears Inflammation
-Rebalances the area
-Clears depression
-Clears negative thoughts
-Clears traumas (past and present)
-Clears blocked energy
-Clears ancestral energy
-Clears belief systems
-Clears after-surgeries
-Clears low vibrational energy

Try it today and feel the difference & See what everyone is raving about!!!

How to Use

All mp3 recordings are encoded with the high frequencies of source energy and love.

Active participation is required.

Listen once a day for 3-5 days in a row, then whenever you feel guided.

Please listen with headphones or ear buds, in a quiet space.


Please do not listen while driving or operating heavy equipment.


Item 4 Clearing The Heart.mp3



Hello my name is Jeffrey, awhile ago I hurt my hip and after a long recovery time which included physical therapy and chiropractic work. I noticed I started to get low on energy. By a chance meeting I met Dawn and with an open mind I scheduled an Energy rebalancing session with her. I believe that the combination of my receptiveness along with her energy soothing sounds made this a successful session. Afterward I felt more at ease. I noticed I had more sustaining energy, and I didn't have the crash at the end of the day. If you are experiencing any type of sluggish syndrome and are looking for an alternative to medicine. I encourage you to give Dawn a try, I'm glad I did

Dawn has a true gift with her Energy work and Sound healing. Love her! :)
-Joanne V.

Dawn Crystal's healing energy is amazing! The first time that we spoke it was unrelated to her gift. At the conclusion of our call, I told her that I felt so much positive energy pouring through the phone and that I've never experienced that before. That's when I learned of her gift and I immediately booked a session with her. She helped me clear and shift blocked energy that kept me stagnated in certain areas of my life for more than 10-years. In less than 2 months of working with Dawn Crystal, my life was transformed with ease and grace! Dawn is a gifted healer. Step into her world and prepare for your transformation.
-Sandy O.

Just listened to a web call with you and Durva Gandi, and I liked what you did for the callers. Purchased your B-package so I am waiting for the download page to get through. Then I can schedule a session with you. Looking forward to that.

Hello dear Dawn this is from Maria you worked on me on the live call yesterday. I do feel so much better this morning. I am currently in Austria so it is morning for me.look forward to work with you after next month.

Wow, thank you Dawn for the mini healing, I am feeling lighter and more energized and I didn't mention the pain I had in my jaw has evaporated I feel amazing, much gratitude and love returned a million fold <3
-Anna D.

Hi Dawn, I was the first Q & A you answered- I had pain wrapping around my rib cage and back on the left side. As you worked, it shifted up under my left shoulder blade and into the center spine area. It got very painful thru that area for about 10-20 minutes, then all was gone. Only a slight soreness in the affected areas now. A huge relief! I listened to the entire program and got more relief from your other transmissions as well.
-Rita T

I listened to your call on the Transformation Show and had quite positive energy movement in my body. I would love to schedule a session with you!
-LuAnn C.

Hi Dawn - You worked on my right knee issue during the call and I am here to report that my knee is 100% better. It started to ease gradually and I was waiting to see how it held up after 3 days. One word: AMAZING! My knee was stiff and achy during the call but has regained suppleness now. I feel it looser and my movements more fluid. You said it was ancestral and you were not sure if the call was enough well I can tell you that you are a miracle woman for me cos it was certainly more than enough. Thank you thank you thank you! You are a blessing and I am infinitely grateful for your help.
-Rym D