Divinely Infused Music: Jazz & Joy

Michelle Carter


Uplift your mood with this fun, jazzy and toe tapping tune!


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Divinely Infused Music!

Uplift your mood with this fun, jazzy and toe tapping tune! Infused with Divine Joy to have you feeling happy and Light!

Music really changes our mood and vibration, so this affect is going to be so much more powerful and noticeable when the music has been infused with Divine Energies!

-About the Audio-

2 layers of Divine Joy fading in and out, 1 layer of Divine Light on silent & 3 backing layers of releasing all energies being released to source, so if the Filling Divine Energies on this audio should create any energies to be released, which is possible, then these energies will be sent direct to source so you don't feel them.

The aim of this audio is to fill you with Light & Joy so you feel happy. If your life has been lacking in happiness and joy then you really need these vibrations to be added to your energy field so that you can attract more of them to you.

Fill the Divine Joy flow through the whole of your being as you listen! Truly a great and enjoyable way to 'Feel Good!'

Length: Approx 2 mins 20 (can be added to other music playlists)

Composed by Rob Bull

How to Use

You can listen to Jazz & Joy on its own, added to a playlist of other music that you enjoy or in a playlist with my other energy audios.

You can play as much as you like, but do build it up slowly and don't loop in a car or when needing full focus as you may feel light-headed or dizzy.

Listen to a Sample!


Please note that this High Vibration music, so use with caution if driving or needing your full focus, and please don't loop!


Jazz & Joy.mp3



"I feel happy every day, I am in continual high vibration and can easily release any low ones that creep in. I send love to everyone in my life as part of my daily practice, which feels wonderful. My thoughts and feelings are loving and joyful and life is good! There's almost nothing I want to change - it's all just perfect. How great is that to be able to say? I am so appreciative of your beautiful work, your high vibes and loving, generous intentions towards the whole world. Yes, this is how the world shall be uplifted, as one person at a time decides to focus on love and high vibrations and release everything else. You are a wonderful example for each of us to follow."
~ Karen USA