Forest Lullaby - Crystal Frequencies

Jill Mattson

Emotional Issues

Carnelian & garnet frequencies for protection, calm & vitality

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Full Description

Enchanting music with frequencies of uplifting crystal frequencies ~

Bathe in crystalline frequencies dancing in mesmerizing music. Absorb enchanting music embedded with frequencies of uplifting emotions and twelve crystals!

The flower music, inspired by exquisite feelings received from the glory of the flower kingdom, delights you with positive emotions - a yummy and transforming state of consciousness. With enough listening repeats, make a habit of these energetic states, slowly transforming your energies to that of a powerful and evolved person. Feel & Heal! Arise!

The crystal music transports to you to the crystal & fairy realms! Revel in the magic & mysteries of fairies and the wonderful world and power of crystals. Also enjoy musical guest appearances from the water world: whales, dolphins and giant turtles!

Angels and fairies are channeled/recorded. Their energy dances in back of the enchanted and uplifting music!

Summary of the entire Crystal Realms CD:

-Impatience: Builds Patience & Peace

-Scleranthus: Builds Confidence & Ability to Make Decisions

-Feary Light: Aventurine & Moonstone Crystals for Emotional Harmony, Love, Abundance, Joy, Clarity

-Centaury: Builds Habit of Freely Giving

-Water violet: Builds Companionship

-Forest Shadows: Lepidolite, & Moonstone for Calm, Trust, Acceptance, Emotional Harmony

-Clematis: Focuses on Enjoying the Moment

-The Heron: Sodalite & Aventurine Crystals for Logic, Intelligence, Abundance, Joy, Clarity

-Dragon: Clear & Rose Quartz for Unconditional Love

-Chicory: Builds Giving-Love

-Cerato: Builds Self-Trust

-Mimulus: Builds Fearlessness

-Vervian: Builds Broadmindedness

-Rock Rose: Builds Courage

-Gentian: Builds Trust

-Forest Lullaby: Carnelian & Garnet Quartz Crystals for Protection, Calm, Vitality, Health

-Ocean Dreams: Citrine & Amethyst Crystals for Protection & Abundance

-Agrimony: Builds Inner Peace

Fantastic Music with Frequencies of Crystals that bestow:

-Calmness, Trust, Acceptance, Emotional Harmony, Relaxation & Love (Moonstone, Adventurine & Clear Quartz)

-Logic, Intelligence, Abundance, Joy & Clarity (Adventurine, Sodalite & Clear Quartz)

-Unconditional Love (Rose & Clear Quartz)

-Emotional Harmony, Relaxation, Love, Abundance, Joy & Clarity (Lepidolite, Moonstone & Clear Quartz)

-Protection, Calm, Vitality, Health & Devotion (Carnelian, Garnet & Clear Quartz)

-Protection, Abundance, Purity & Transformation (Citrine, Amethyst & ClearQuartz)

Nurturing Flower Music to enhance:

-Confidence & Ability to Make Decisions (Scleranthus Flower)

-Companionship (Water Violet)

-Freely Giving (Centaury Flower)

-Enjoying the Moment (Clematis Flower)

-Giving-Love (Chicory Flower)

-Self-Trust (Cerato Flower)

-Fearlessness (Mimulus Flower)

-Broadmindedness (Vervian Flower)

-Courage (Rock Rose)

-Patience & Peace (Impatience Flower)

-Trust (Gentian Flower)

-Inner Peace (Agrimony Flower)

The Flower Music features the delicate frequencies of the 12 Bach Soul Flowers, for balancing and harmonizing your entire emotional field. There is no cathartic release to this music, as found on the Healing Flower Symphonies - just the positive frequencies of the flowers.

This makes this music perfect for uplifting the energies of not only yourself but everyone who hears it!

How to Use

The more you listen, the more higher energies lighten your aura and mood!

Listen to a Sample!


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16. Forest Lullaby.mp3


$2       $0.99

"Dear Jill, one thing I've noticed about listening to your music already is that my feet which are usually on angle inwards like this \ / are now much flatter to the floor (: Also my crystal has been swinging in a 24 point star (: <3" -Leiyra

"Jill, this music felt like angels dancing across my cheeks... and they're still tingling." -Karin in N. Hollywood

Hi, I have been listening to your music and it caused very specific body reactions. My body would heat up and I could feel Heat down my spine. I am a Reiki Master so I have felt these sensations before. Thank you for your work, it is much appreciated." -Therese Moore

"I recently broke my kneecap and I immediately start listening to your music. I could really feel the resonance in my body and kneecap. As a result of all your beautiful music the surgeon says that he cannot even see where the break was!" -Vicki Dynes

"When I play your CD through a bad neighborhood it builds the living love potential to rebuild the greatness of the city. People with dark presence disappear. Your CD's usually have this soundtrack effect whenever played for me!" Woodward

"From listening to just a little of your music, I still feel my brow and in my eyes, as if something is healing. I have glaucoma in both eyes and I believe there has (and still is) healing taking place. Great gratitude and love." -Marga in Maastricht, Netherlands

"This music went straight into my heart chakra and up to my throat. My arms felt heavy and my hands were tingling." -Monique in London

Surrounded with love. Felt Angels around me. Thank you with much. -Sandy in Alpine, CA

Very peaceful, saw bright violet flames. Whole body tingling. Amazing music experience. -Diane in San Antonio

I felt swirls of rainbow light energy swirling around my whole entire body. Very powerful. Saw sacred geometry images when I closed my eyes. Soles of my feet are tingly. Omg. If we listen to these 1 full day, we are going to find wings in our backs. Awesomely awesome. That was so beautiful. I felt like I was swimming peacefully underwater and then I started to sing a spontaneous song 'We have forgotten who we are, it is time to remember'. -Bernice in Vancouver, BC

This one (sacral) resonated profoundly in me. I almost cried. I felt that I could live in these sounds, information & ideas forever! Thank you so much. -Lisa in Paris

My whole chest lost all stress and tightness, then I felt ready to weep in memory of a moment of time remembered and forgotten. Oh the beauty of this awareness. Let go, Whoo Hoo!!! Love love love Jills frequencies codes to higher dimensional healing & writings for all! -Kelly in Sacramento

Simply by listening to your music, I have so much more clarity and and old pain is shifting almost instantly on all levels. Old thought forms and habits are drifting away. Im sleeping better too. I am detoxing physically and emotionally but I realize that has to happen to. Some physical ailments are getting better every day. I feel like it's soul magic! I seem to have a deeper innate knowing with myself and clients. I feel more and more like me!! I knew it would be life changing because I felt a strong energy pulling me to your work. -Marian Gauvin

I'm a big fan! What you do in the world of energy and vibration through sound healing music, as well as your books and paintings, is amazing. You speak my language on many levels, energy, vibration, crystals and flower essences, its all ENERGY. Understanding this aspect especially in todays world is extremely important for healing especially through challenging times. You are an influencer in sound healing and have made a huge impact to the world. -Ann Ross