Large Intestines

Jill Mattson


Tune your large intestine with ancient vibrational methods & subtle energies!

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Full Description

This track sends vibrational energy that invigorates and tunes your large intestine!

-Healing Frequencies from: Major Elements in your body, Schumann Earth Tones, Anti-Inflammation, Pyramid Energy, Sacred Geometry and more healing subtle energies.

-Energetic Healing Techniques from across the Ages for Elemental Healing and Cathartic Release of Negative Emotions

-Beneficial states of Consciousness to influence Physical Body Well Being. Absorb Vibrational Energy that Invigorates and Tunes Healthy Body Organs

Ancient wise Masters established conscious control of their physical bodies, specifically the organs. When they detected disharmony within an organ, they tuned it to harmony, which they associated with the health of the organ. In this meditation, establish healing connection and tuning of organs, with the help of frequencies associated with healthy body organs.

This music arose from a vision that I had, in which I saw people in Atlantis living VERY LONG lives. One of their secrets to a healthy long life was to clairvoyantly and clairaudiently view the subtle energy of their organs and body systems. If they were harmonious and healthy, their organs emitted white light with rainbow splashes or colors. Each organ had a unique song or sound, which was harmonious - when healthy.

When the organs harmony slipped, it became dark colored and sounded nasty. With conscious intent, ancient wise people remembered the beautiful feeling, colors and sounds of the healthy organ. They simply felt this wonderful feeling, sang its sounds and "imaged" its beautiful colors. These actions transferred healing subtle energy to organs within their bodies. They felt these feelings until their organs were once again completely in tune, harmonic and radiating beautiful colors. The organ had healed itself!

Easily one can scoff at the idea that emotions and particular frequencies are associated with organs. A scientific study by Paul Pearshall PhD., Gary Schwartz, PhD, and Linda Russek, PhD, studied the emotions people received from organ transplants. For example, a 47 year old male received a heart from a 17 year old black youth. He expected to discover a liking for rap music, as he had heard that transplant recipients take on the likes and emotions of the organ donor. He assumed a young black person would like rap music. Surprisingly, he discovered a new found love for classical music. When participating in the scientific study, he learned that his donor loved classical music and died hugging his violin case on the way to his music lesson. In a very real sense, we deposit emotions in our organs. We can discharge the negative emotions that we store in our organs, and this audio teaches you how to do this.

This Deep Wave Body Healing track teaches you how to connect with the consciousness of your large intestine. You too can recognize what they feel like when healthy. The music literally gives you the sounds of a healthy large intestine and its harmonic cascades just as was done in ancient times. Further, there are techniques of elemental healing along with cathartic release of negative energy - which ancient wise sages associated with individual organs.

I memorized the sounds of healthy organs. When I get pain, I connect to the organ, and restore harmony to the organ. It is a beautiful technique to enable us to become the "master" of our physical bodies.

***Get all 13 tracks on "Deep Wave Body Healing": the Heart, Brain, Lungs, Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, Adrenals, Spleen, Pancreas, Stomach, Large Intestines, Small Intestines and Bladder.***

How to Use

Listen often for additional dosage.

The more you pay attention to the meditation the greater rate you absorb the frequencies (you absorb what you pay attention to at a greater rate)

Even if you sleep with this, the music in the background tunes your organs (not as great of a rate as when you pay attention to the meditation), but you can get in enough dosage with repeated listens.

If you repeat this meditation hundreds of times, memorize the feelings and sounds of your healthy organs to tune them up later...without the aid of the CD!

Listen to a Sample!


Meditation - don't use while driving or operating heavy equipment. As long as the music sounds good, keep listening. When you are tired of the music and it no longer appeals to you, give it a rest! See a doctor for medical needs!


12 large intestines.mp3


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I love this CD. The composer gently guides the listener through a cleansing and harmonizing process of the individual organs. The result is that you become very conscious of your body, and ultimately aware of any environmental stimuli that may harm it. I listen to this CD weekly, and I recommend it for those who are healthy, or those who are ailing. Comprehensive and easy-to-use meditation CD. K Ritchardson

Jill's innovative meditation CD is comprehensive--a collection of colors, toning, times of day that each organ reflects, and facets of other alternative schools of thought. I like that she adds these other dimensions to give as much information about each organ as possible. Repeated listening helps me to memorize and then apply the program as needed, even when the CD isn't playing. Her descriptions of each organ assist the visualization process, and the assignment to release the negative emotions verbally is what makes the program extra powerful. I have noticed my plants growing abundantly in the same room where I regularly play the CD. Playing the CD at night, even if I fall asleep before it's finished, leaves me feeling refreshed and rested when I wake. I like that there is no 'effort' involved. You don't have to do the assignments. Merely having the sounds playing in the background can also be beneficial. Trina Hess

OMG!!!!! I plugged into this CD (Deep Wave Body Healing) this afternoon and I didn't stop buzzing until 5 pm! My body was so-o-o receptive to this energy, and it did its own releasing. Wonderful. Dee Valenski

I love this DEEP WAVE BODY HEALING. The composer gently guides the listener through a cleansing and harmonizing process of the individual organs. The result is that you become very conscious of your body, and ultimately aware of any environmental stimuli that may harm it. It is uplifting and transforming. Dea Harmon

I went into deep isolation after the death of my beloved dog. This CD, Deep Wave Body Healing, was the only thing that got me through this dark time. It lifted me up in every way - out of a deep abyss. Melinda Carver

Surrounded with love. Felt Angels around me. Thank you with much.
Sandy in Alpine, CA

Very peaceful, saw bright violet flames. Whole body tingling. Amazing experience.
Diane in San Antonio

I felt swirls of rainbow light energy swirling around my whole entire body. Very powerful. Saw sacred geometry images when I closed my eyes. Soles of my feet are tingly. Omg. If we listen to these 1 full day, we are going to find wings in our backs. Awesomely awesome. Susan S

That was so beautiful. I felt like I was swimming peacefully underwater and then I started to sing a spontaneous song 'We have forgotten who we are, it is time to remember'. Bernice in Vancouver, BC

I felt some discomfort in my heart center that felt like something was breaking open, felt huge ripples of energy! Kelly in Sacramento

This resonated profoundly in me. I almost cried. I felt that I could live in these sounds forever! Thank you so much. Lisa in Paris

I really felt the music in my head. It really opened and relaxed my head with peace. Thank you. Freda

My whole chest lost all stress and tightness, then I felt ready to weep in memory of a moment of time remembered and forgotten. Oh the beauty of this awareness. Let go, surrender and come home to your cosmic heart. Oh my soul there you are welcome. Calli in Waterloo, Canada

Rippling waves of gold and purple moving outward. Feeling expansive and powerful! Wow. Helen