You are in the Air

Jill Mattson

Chakras & Energy Field

Grow with star tones & elemental tuning! Perfect Heaven and Earth in YOU!

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Full Description

"You are in the Air" is from "Star Dust": ethereal music featuring the sound frequencies of the stars.

Each listen:
-Downloads high energy from the second chakra above your head
-Lessens challenging astrological energy
-Opens you to receive Heavenly Energy

The Star Dust music features the sound frequencies from the stars (planets). The ancient Chinese and Egyptians, thousands of years before Christ, listened to star sounds to help people with challenges from low level electromagnetic energy coming in from the stars (astrology). In fact, they often referred to their music as playing the stars.

Using today's physics, the frequencies of the planets-in-motion in their orbits can be calculated and raised into our hearing range. Using ancient secrets and modern technologies you can listen to the perfect sounds of the stars twinkling in the background of the fluid and ethereal Star Dust music.

Our physical body is primarily made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The stars are made of these same elements, although we have different proportions. Our bodies and the stars are made out of the same elements! Are we star dust?

The stars are composed largely of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which are also transposed into tones and are found twinkling in the background of the Star Dust music. These elements are also found in large quantities in your body! The resonance process (verified by science) enables you to tune these elements in your body, just by listening to these tones! In addition to the connecting with recorded ascended master energy, the fluid and ethereal music will lift and elevate your soul!

A French physicist, Joel Sternheimer, discovered sound frequencies of molecules. Joel produced a formula to calculate frequencies for elements in the Periodic Table. So every element has a frequency. Therefore. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen make frequencies, a song if you will! The stars have a song and so do we!

When you hear the sounds of the stars (raised up octaves into your hearing range), you can vibrate in harmony with the Songs of the Heavens.

Physicist, Hans Cousto suggests that when you tune into the earth's frequency, you simultaneously tune into the energy of other's such as the Indian and Tibetan monks, who are in harmony with the Earth. By tuning into their energy, you participate in their peace of mind, you "become part of the morphogenetic field" of all those already in harmony due to their regular meditation. You can listen to the Earth tone and subtly download these great beings' energy!

When you raise the Earth-day frequency 66 octaves, you create the resonance of DNA, linking the resonance of DNA and the Earth tone. Can you tune up your DNA, by listening to the tone of the Earth? When your DNA is healthy, you raise energies of your body, mind and emotions.

Cousto notes that the moon affects the tides and also our body fluids. He also suggests that tuning with the moon frequency can help stabilize fluid imbalances. He also cautions, not use tuning forks to replace traditional medicine. The moon tone twinkles in the Star Dust CD.

Twinkle with the stars and light your aura up with high energies from the second chakra above your head!

How to Use

Each listen downloads high energy from the second chakra above your head. There is absolute, uncompromising joy in this chakra - it releases a very high white light.

Many sleep with the music playing to get a greater dosage. Listen as long as you enjoy the music!

No headphones required, although you may use them.

Many report peace and acceptance beyond measure.

Listen to a Sample!


Many sleep with the music playing to get a greater dosage. Listen as long as you enjoy the music! The music is divinely relaxing, use your judgement on using this when driving


you are in the air.mp3


$3       $0.99

Wow, your music is really incredibly healing! After listening to your CD, You are Star Dust, I felt the divine mother energy surround me in a large dose of unconditional love. Thank you for the blessings of your healing music. Peace, Sarah

I really like the wonderful music that Jill has created. It is soothing, yet moving at the same time. Jill's music has changed my life in certain ways. One simple example would be that I have a lot of trouble getting to sleep at night. By turning on her CD at bedtime, it is easier to fall asleep and the sleep has been much better.

Depending on your mood, the music can also touch you emotionally. It can provoke sadness and tears if they are there in you, but in a good, cleansing, healing way. It has been said that good art moves people. Well her music has the power to do that in an exceptional way. You will be amazed at what you hear and its effect on you, particularly if you are in a quiet contemplative mood. Mike Connor

When I listened to Stardust while I wrote it, tears where streaming down my face towards the end. Thank you for such beautiful, moving music. I sense that the music just flows through you, perhaps more through you than of you, though I am sure you have much to do with it. It reminds me of what Jesus said, "It is not I, but the Father who acts through me." David F

Hi Jill, My head never stopped buzzing long after I stopped listening to it. I love all the subtle and differing sounds in the background and of your hauntingly beautiful voice as well. When I listened to Stardust again today, it was like my head was vibrating inside, kind of hard to articulate. Your music will certainly have a positive effect on me. Karen

Hello Jill! I came home from work just last Saturday and my wife said I have bad news - Jasper our old pet bird is dying, he has been laying in the back right corner of his cage; hasn't moved all day long. It is very sad for me to see. I put in your Star Dust CD and my wife gets MAD and says, "Take that opera stuff down stairs if you want to listen to it." I speak up, "It's healing music, let the poor bird dye in peace!" She says, "I WILL GIVE YOU FIFTEEN MIN, THAT'S IT!" I go to the kitchen for a bite of food and after about 15 minutes I'm heading back to the living room and my wife meets me near the doorway - "I will give you a half hour!" I look across the room and Jasper is standing on his open door, saying his name, and popping around to his seed and water dish. We looked at each other and she says that animals get better just before death, but Jasper is still eating, drinking, talking, acting normal and its Tuesday night. I think something great may have happened! Thanks Jill -Wayne York

I have to say that I am new to the domain of sound healing but from Jill's extensive research and work it does appear that the science is there to back up her claims. I have listened to this song with the intention of allowing it to heal me and I must admit that the music helps me find a deep peace that is often lacking in my day to day life. It just makes me feel good, that is the only way I know how to describe it, I believe it puts my body into the parasympathetic mode which allows me to rest and digest :) Bonus: The music is great also! -Lee

When listening to Star Dust music, I had no red lights!! This never happens. I just zoned out into a place of pure relaxation, so I never even noticed until near the end of my commute, where there are a lot of red lights, that I was almost there. Since I have started to listen to the CD, many good things have happened that have never happened before! Your music is so healing and wonderful for me to listen to! I cannot thank you enough. Sometimes the songs make me cry, but I know they are healing tears and I am always thankful. Thank you for making this beautiful, soul soothing music!! -Eric K

Hi Jill, My head never stopped buzzing long after I stopped listening to it. I love all the subtle and differing sounds in the background and of your hauntingly beautiful voice as well. When I listened to Stardust again today, it was like my head was vibrating inside, kind of hard to articulate. Your music will certainly have a positive effect on me.
Love and Light, Karen

I listen to your CDs non-stop loop during the night, at low volume, as a background music. I slept better. It's been a few days now and I am experiencing interesting changes in my overall mood. See, I suffer from manic-depression and social anxiety.

Well, its been now a couple of weeks with your music and more positive changes in my behavior. Ive started enjoying being outside rather than staying in; Ive been going to the gym ; I desire to connect with people which is quite new to me; when its time to make decisions, the mental process feels easier and I reach a decision faster; I am less affected by the unpleasant moments; I eat more healthily without forcing myself to do so; etc.