Crazy Energy Survival Kit!

Michelle Carter

Chakras & Energy Field

6 Powerful audios to survive crazy energies! ($140 value!)

$140       $99.99

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Save $40 with this Powerful 6 Audio Energy Package!

The energies can be really crazy as we get deeper and deeper into the Global Shift.

Then on top of that we have certain times of the month where the energies are even more intense with the planetary alignments: Full and New Moons and Mercury Retrograde. All of these can play havoc with our technology and lives.

Here is an amazing package to help you deal with those crazy energies and have an easier time!
6 Powerful Audios to Survive Crazy Energies!

Pure Source Light Protection Audio - $25.99

This audio is very powerful and will work not just on you but on the device you are playing it on, the room your are in or any area that you ask it to work on, ie your car, office or work area etc. For a powerful boost of protection energy then listen with intention through headphones, for continuous on going protection play on silent loop.

Releasing & Floating Above Spells & Curses - $31.99

This audio is truly amazing & has been called a piece of Divine Magic! It is very powerful and will not only work on spells & curses placed on you but will also work, when played on loop, for your computer and belongings. I use this audio whenever my computer is being odd and playing up and I've even used it to resolve a battery charging issue with my car!

Filling & Floating into Pure Light - $16.99

This beautiful and powerful audio will really raise your vibration and fill with Pure Light, which by the Law of Attraction is going to repel dark and lower energies! It feels great to listen to this audio, especially through headphones so you can fully hear and experience the echo effect of the 'Pure Light' energy work.

Filling & Floating into Pure Love - $16.99

Pure Love is a powerful energy that not only makes us feel good, because at our inner most core, we all want to feel loved, but also raises your vibration and makes a powerful combination with the Pure Light audio above. A great audio to use to add more Pure Love energies to your energy field so you feel more loved and can receive and flow love to others!

Positive Mercury Retrograde - $21.99

This powerful audio will work to calm the energies around major planetary times such as Mercury Retrograde, Full Moons, New Moons, and when we have unusual planetary alignments that can send us and technology into a spin!

So don't suffer through these intense energy times, we have at least TWO a month with the moon cycles without any other planets being involved! Listening to this audio coming up to these intense times and during them will really help to calm the energies and make your life smoother!

Float Clear Transmission

This beautiful and powerful transmission will work to raise your vibration through the floating energy work and also clear away any releasing energies that may be hanging around from using the other audios. Once you are used to this audio, you can play it on loop with the other audios to keep your energy clear.

How to Use

Start off by listening to the following 4 audios just once, and slowly build up to playing on loop:

1. Pure Source Light Protection

2. Releasing & Floating Above Spells & Curses

3. Filling & Floating into Pure Light

4. Filling & Floating into Pure Love

5. Float Clear Transmission:

Can be looped, as this audio is designed to clear away releasing symptoms.

6. Positive Mercury Retrograde:

Listen once a day. You can slowly build up to listening more often.

Play before mercury retrograde to prepare your energy for the retrograde energies and also during retrograde for an added boost.

All audios work on silent or low volume and will be more powerful if listened through headphones with intention.

If you have any queries or questions then please email at:


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy.


Pure Source Light Protection.mp3

Releasing & Floating Spells & Curses.mp3

Filling & Floating with Pure Light.mp3

Filling & Floating with Pure Love.mp3

Positive Mercury Retrograde.mp3

Float Clear Transmission.mp3

$140       $99.99

She helps you polish and shine your vibrational energies!
"Michelle Carter is the Lightworkers' Lightworker. She truly comes from the purest place of Divine Light and Pure Love in her transmissions and coaching, opening the way for your own clearest communication with your Soul. She helps you polish and shine your vibrational energies as you uncover the gem of your own best self!
I am so honored to be among the first to experience Michelle and her joyful gifts. You owe it to yourself to invest your time with this joyful and blessed being! With Gratitude & Boundless Joy!"
~ Joanne Herrmann

Working with Michelle has really changed my life.
"Since working with Michelle on her dark energy program my life has really turned around. This energy work with Michelle has been the catalyst for releasing me from a place of utter hopelessness, which I had been in for many years. Through Michelle's energy work and being a member of her dynamic group where the support is just amazing, I have felt so much lighter and happier. I am still a work in progress but I feel able to cope so much better now. I know with Michelle's help I will be able to release the remaining physical problems I have had for 20 plus years. I am now spiraling upwards instead of downwards thanks to Michelle's amazing work. I am just so grateful that I heard Michelle and bought her package, working with Michelle has really changed my life. "
~ Jeannette USA

I no longer have the fear of the dark energies holding me back
In the past I have been shut down with the effects of dark energies. They have created a lot of fear in me and stopped me moving forward with my life. Then I connected with Michelle and her work. Her work with clearing dark energies has made a huge difference in my life. I no longer have the fear and the effects of the dark energies holding me back and I am now able to move forward with a sense of freedom. I feel safe, protected and I have my power back and I have a wonderful tool with her audios that I can turn to if ever I feel the need. Michelle is a true inspiration with her attitude, courage and determination in the work she does to free people of the dark so they can shine their lights and be all that they are meant to be. Thank you Michelle, I will be forever grateful."
~ Dawn, New Zealand